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Your small kitchen appliance is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from any manufacturing
defects under normal use and conditions for one (1) year, cord excluded. During that period, should the
appliance fail to operate properly, return the appliance with your sales receipt to the store where purchased.
If you use your appliance for household use and according to instructions, it should give you years of
satisfactory service. This product warranty covers only the original consumer purchase of the product.
To guarantee repair or replacement without charge, a dated sales receipt showing purchase within the
limited warranty period* must accompany the appliance. Without a sales receipt, warranty will be estimated
according to the appliance's manufactured date. A comparable appliance should arrive within 2-3 weeks.
However, in case an appliance is not covered by warranty, correspondence offering alternatives will be
mailed to you.
During the limited one-year warranty period, a product with a defect will be either repaired or replaced with
a comparable reconditioned model (at our option) when the product is returned to our Service Center. (See
the “Returns” section below). The repaired or replacement product will be in warranty for the remaining
balance of the limited one-year warranty period and an additional one-month (30 day) period.
This limited warranty covers appliances purchased and used within the 48 contiguous states plus
Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia and does NOT cover:
- Damages caused by unreasonable use, neglect, normal wear and tear, commercial use, improper
assembly or installation of product.
- Damages caused in shipping.
- Damages caused by replacement or resetting of house fuses or circuit breakers.
- Defects other than manufacturing defects.
- Breakage caused by misuse, abuse, accident, alteration, lack of proper care and maintenance, or
incorrect current or voltage.
- Lost or missing parts of the product. Parts will need to be purchased separately.
- Damages of parts that are not electrical; for example: cracked or broken plastic or glass.
- Damage from service or repair by unauthorized personnel.
- Extended warranties purchased via a separate company or reseller.
- Consumer’s remorse is not an acceptable reason to return a product to our Service Center.
*The consumer is responsible for any delivery charges for all replacement units provided for exchange
under the warranty.
RETURNS: Any return of defective merchandise to the manufacturer must be processed accordingly by
contacting customer service first to obtain an RA # (Return Authorization Number). We will not accept any
returns of merchandise without an applicable RA #.
We cannot assume responsibility for loss or damages to products returned to us during incoming shipment.
For your protection, always carefully package the product for shipment and insure with the carrier. Be sure
to enclose the following items with your return: any accessories related to the problem, your full address
and daytime phone number, a note describing the problem, a copy of the dated sales receipt or other proof
of purchase and a valid RA#.
C.O.D shipments cannot be accepted.
*One Year Limited Warranty valid only in the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii and the District of
Columbia, excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
This warranty is effective only if the product is purchased and operated in the USA; product usage which is
in violation of the written instructions provided with the unit will void this warranty.
For international warranty, please contact the local distributor.
**Any instruction or policy included in this manual may be subject to change at any time.
Model EPC-808 Elite Platinum
8Qt. Electric Pressure Cooker
18401 E. Arenth Ave. City of Industry, CA 91748
Customer Service Dept: (626) 912-9877 Ext: 120 MON-FRI 9am-5pm PST
Email: info@maxi-matic.com
Website: www.maxi-matic.com
8Qt. Electric Pressure Cooker
Model EPC-808 (Black Finish)
EPC-808R (Red Finish)
EPC-808BL (Blue Finish)
Before operating your new appliance,
please read all instructions carefully and keep for future reference.

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