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A user code that does not cause the system to notify the monitoring
service when used to arm or disarm. The system only reports if the
code is used to disarm after an alarm.
One-Key Arming Arming the system without the need for a valid user code.
Panic Alarm A user initiated event that alerts the monitoring service in the event
of an emergency.
Part Arming An arming method that is designed to activate a certain section of
the premises.
Perimeter Arming An arming method that is designed to activate the detectors
protecting the doors and windows while enabling residents to move
freely on the premises.
PGM Programmable output that is triggered according to specific system
status conditions, or by remote command sent via PSTN, GSM,
Ethernet, keyfob, keypad, or Remote Programmer.
Ready The state in which all zones are closed and the system is ready to be
Remote Firmware
Control System's firmware update from a remote PC using WEB
Restore The restoral of a trouble condition to its normal state. For example, if
AC power is reconnected, an AC Loss Restore event code is sent to
the central station.
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication (abbr.) RF noise of the system's
Scheduling A Home Automation feature that switches HA units on and off
automatically according to pre-set times.
Detectors The devices installed around the home that alert the panel in the
event of an alarm.
Service Call A feature that enables the user to contact the monitoring service and
talk to an operator via the Control System.
SMS Command An SMS message sent to the Control System that causes the system
to perform a specific function.
Smartkey An RF ID device used to arm and disarm the system by placing it
against the Wireless Keypad.
SMS Confirmation An SMS message sent to the user confirming that the SMS command
has been performed.
System Status LEDs Luminous indicators on the front panel that provide information on
the arm and power status of the system.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Electronics Line iConnect

Electronics Line iConnect Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Electronics Line iConnect Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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