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Electronics Line Limited Warranty
EL and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Seller") warrants its products to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 24 months from the
date of production. Because Seller does not install or connect the product and
because the product may be used in conjunction with products not manufactured by
the Seller, Seller can not guarantee the performance of the security system which
uses this product. Sellers' obligation and liability under this warranty is expressly
limited to repairing and replacing, at Sellers option, within a reasonable time after
the date of delivery, any product not meeting the specifications. Seller makes no
other warranty, expressed or implied, and makes no warranty of merchantability or
of fitness for any particular purpose. In no case shall seller be liable for any
consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any other warranty,
expressed or implied, or upon any other basis of liability whatsoever. Sellers
obligation under this warranty shall not include any transportation charges or costs
of installation or any liability for direct, indirect, or not be compromised or
circumvented; that the product will prevent any persona; injury or property loss by
intruder, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the product will in all cases provide
adequate warning or protection. Buyer understands that a properly installed and
maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of intruder, robbery or fire without
warning, but is not insurance or a guaranty that such will not occur or that there will
be no personal injury or property loss as a result. Consequently seller shall have no
liability for any personal injury, property damage or loss based on a claim that the
product fails to give warning. However, if seller is held liable, whether directly or
indirectly, for any loss or damage arising from under this limited warranty or
otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, sellers maximum liability shall not exceed
the purchase price of the product, which shall be complete and exclusive remedy
against seller. No employee or representative of Seller is authorized to change this
warranty in any way or grant any other warranty.
WARNING: This product should be tested at least once a week.
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of
used batteries according to local regulations.
Contacting Electronics Line
International Headquarters:
Electronics Line
14 Hachoma St., 75655
Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Tel: (+972-3) 963-7777
Fax: (+972-3) 961-6584
All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission from the publisher
Electronics Line 3000 Ltd. 05/2012
5IN1570 C

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Andere handleiding(en) van Electronics Line EL-2703

Electronics Line EL-2703 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 13 pagina's

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