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EL2614E / EL-2711M / EL-2711P Wireless keyfob, Panic & Medical Funkhandsender, Panik & Medizin - Émetteur radio, la panique et médecine - Radiozender, paniek & Medicine
Conrad No: 1276479/1276480/1276481
The EL-2711M-P and EL-2614E are keyfob transmitters. This product is a part of the
Electronics Line
Secuplace series, and operates together with the Secuplace
alarm system.
When you wish to know more about the complete system, its
possibilities and its
settings, then you can check out the installation manual or
Do not expose the components of your systems to extremely high temperatures
or bright light sources.
In case of improper usage or if you have altered and repaired the product
yourself, all guarantees expire. Electronics Line does not accept responsibility in
the case
of improper usage of the product or when the product is used for
purposes other
than specified. Electronics Line does not accept responsibility for
additional damage other
than covered by the legal product responsibility.
This product is not a toy. Keep out of reach of children.
The product should only be repaired or serviced by a qualified repairman.
Keep batteries out of the reach of children. Dispose of batteries as chemical
waste. Never use old and new batteries or different types of batteries together.
Remove the batteries when you are not using the system for a longer period of
time. Check the polarity (+/-) of the batteries when inserting them in the product.
Wrong positioning can cause an explosion.
Automatic switching devices provide comfort, but can also be dangerous. They
can surprise people or can ignite clothing hanging over an electric heat source.
Please be careful and take appropriate measures to avoid accidents.
To register keyfobs:
From the Programming menu, select Devices, Keyfobs [912].
Select the keyfob you want to register; the system initiates Registration
Press a button, making sure that the keyfob’s LED lights up when the
button is pressed.
Press the same button again. When Save? appears on the panels LCD
display, press ./.
The EL-2711M-P is a one-button transmitter that generates
Medical Emergency alarm when pressed. The transmitter
water resistant and can be worn around the neck. Its
button makes it ideal for elderly or sight-impaired
When the battery is low, the EL-2711M-P’s LED flashes during
transmission and a Low Battery signal is sent to the receiver.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Electronics Line EL-2614E

Electronics Line EL-2614E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Electronics Line EL-2614E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Electronics Line EL-2614E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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