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Check that the door closes easily and is sealed
10.2.Reversing the door hang at a
fridge with lock
fig 7
Proceed according to 10.1 with the following
Remove the hinge plate (3), then reversing place it
into the open hinge-hole of the bottom righthand
11. Replacing the decorative
door panel, Fig. 8-10
Remove the two screws (1) from the upper hinge of
the door.
Pull the door together with the hinge away from the
housing and up off the lower hinge bolt (2-3).
Remove screws (4) and pull off the frame edge (5).
Slide the decorative panel (6) out of the door frame
and insert the new panel (7), so that the upper edge
of the panel runs exactly parallel to the upper edge of
the frame. A new panel can be inserted more easily
into the upper edge of the frame when the two corners
are cut off by approx. 5 x 5mm (8). Put the frame edge
(5) back in place and secure with screws.
Place the door on the lower hinge (9), slot the upper
hinge into the opening, press together with the door
against the housing and secure with the two screws
12. Changing the feet
Should you wish to install your miniCool, you will not
need the 40-mm feet. After having removed the 40-
mm feet, you can then re-attach the 12-mm feet,
located inside the 40-mm feet, to the front and rear
fixing points. The 40-mm feet and the 4 remaining
screws should be retained for future use.
13. Customer service
Before you call a service engineer, carry out the
following simple tests:
Is there a power failure? Check the fuses.
Is the plug firmly connected to the socket and is the
socket switched on? Check the socket by plugging
in another appliance, e.g. a table lamp.
Is the thermostat at the correct setting? (normally 3
or 4).
Has the door not been closed properly causing the
inside temperature to rise too quickly?
Is the refrigerator level?
Has the ventilation become obstructed?
If after checking all the above points, the refrigerator
is still not working satisfactorily, contact your nearest
service engineer. State the problem, model, product-
and serial-number.
(Details of the model, product- and serialnumber are
to be found on the data label in the top left of the
inside compartment.)
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Figure 9.
Figure 11.
Figure 10.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Electrolux wa 3120

Electrolux wa 3120 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Electrolux wa 3120 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Electrolux wa 3120 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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