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Before maintenance cut the power supply.
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal
scrapers to clean the glass door since they can scratch
the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
To remove the shelf supports first pull the front of the
shelf support and then the rear end away from the side
walls. Install the shelf supports in the opposite se-
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
the manufacturer, an authorized Service or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replac-
ing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
2.1 Installation
Only a qualified person must in-
stall this appliance.
Remove all the packaging.
Do not install or use a damaged appli-
Obey the installation instruction sup-
plied with the appliance.
Always be careful when you move the
appliance because it is heavy. Always
wear safety gloves.
Do not pull the appliance by the handle.
Keep the minimum distance from the
other appliances and units.
Make sure that the appliance is installed
below and adjacent safe structures.
The sides of the appliance must stay
adjacent to appliances or to units with
the same height.
Electrical connection
Risk of fire and electrical shock.
All electrical connections should be
made by a qualified electrician.
The appliance must be earthed.
Make sure that the electrical information
on the rating plate agrees with the pow-
er supply. If not, contact an electrician.
Always use a correctly installed shock-
proof socket.
Do not use multi-plug adapters and ex-
tension cables.
Make sure not to cause damage to the
mains plug and to the mains cable.
Contact the Service or an electrician to
change a damaged mains cable.
Do not let mains cables to come in
touch with the appliance door, specially
when the door is hot.
The shock protection of live and insula-
ted parts must be fastened in such a
way that it cannot be removed without
Connect the mains plug to the mains
socket only at the end of the installa-
tion. Make sure that there is access to
the mains plug after the installation.
If the mains socket is loose, do not
connect the mains plug.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Electrolux EVY8840AOX

Electrolux EVY8840AOX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Electrolux EVY8840AOX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Electrolux EVY8840AOX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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