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General regulations
Norms and regulations
General regulations
This documentation contains important
information, which is a base for safe
and reliable installation, commissioning
and operation of the R3400/R3500/
R3600 boiler. All activities described in
this document may only be excecuted
by authorized companies.
Changes to this document may be ef-
fected without prior notice. We accept
no obligation to adapt previously deliv-
ered products to incorporate such
Only original spare parts may be used
when replacing components on the
boiler, otherwise warranty will be void.
The R3400/R3500/R3600 boiler may
be used for heating and hot water pro-
duction purposes only. The boiler
should be connected to closed systems
with a maximum temperature of 100ºC
(high limit temperature), maximum set-
point temperature is 90ºC.
Norms and regulations
When installing and operating the
R3400/R3500/R3600 boiler, all applica-
ble norms (european and local) should
be fulfilled:
Local building regulations for in-
stalling combustion air and flue gas
Regulation for connecting the boiler to
the electrical appliance;
Regulations for connecting the boiler
to the local gas network;
Norms and regulations according to
safety equipment for heating systems;
Any additional local laws/regulations
with regard to installing and operating
heating systems.
The R3400/R3500/R3600 boiler is CE
approved and applies to the follow-
ing European standards:
92 / 42 / EEC
Boiler efficiency directive
90 / 396 / EEC
Gas appliance directive
73 / 23 / EEC
Low voltage directive
89 / 336 / EEC
EMC directive
EN 656
Gas-fired central heating boilers –
Type B boilers of nominal heat input
exceeding 70 kW but not exceeding
300 kW
EN 15417
Gas-fired central heating boilers -
Specific requirements for condensing
boilers with a nominal heat input
greater than 70 kW but not exceeding
1000 kW
EN 13836
Gas fired central heating boilers -
Type B boilers of nominal heat input
exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding
1000 kW
EN 15502-1
Gas-fired central heating boilers -
Part 1: General requirements and
EN 55014-1
Electromagnetic compatibility - Re-
quirements for household appliances,
electric tools and similar apparatus -
Part 1: Emission
EN 55014-2
Electromagnetic compatibility - Re-
quirements for household appliances,
electric tools and similar apparatus -
Part 2: Immunity - Product family
EN 61000-3-2
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic
current emissions (equipment input
current 16 A per phase)
EN 61000-3-3
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 3-3: Limitation of voltage chang-
es, voltage fluctuations and flicker in
public low-voltage supply
systems, for equipment with rated
current 16 A per phase and not sub-
ject to conditional connection
EN 60335-1
Household and similar electrical appli-
ances - Safety - Part 1: General re-
EN 50165
Household and similar electrical appli-
ances - Safety - Part 2-102: Particular
requirements for gas, oil and solid-
fuel burning appliances having electri-
cal connections
Additional national standards
RAL - UZ 61 / DIN 4702-8
EKAS-Form. 1942: Flüssiggas-
Richtlinie Teil 2
Vorschriften der kantonalen Instanzen
(z.B. Feuerpoilizeivorschriften)
(only applicable to
R3401-R3406 and R3600-R3605)

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