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1. Safety instructions
Read the safety instructions before you start to
use the device.
These points set out extremely important
precautionary measures that you must comply
Keep the Operating Instructions in a safe place
once you have read them.
Check that the drainage line is correctly
connected. If not, water will escape.
Do not extend the cable and never use multiple
plugs. A poor electrical connection, poor
insulation or voltage which is higher than
permitted can cause fire.
Remove all dirt from the power plug and plug
it in firmly. Soiled plugs can cause fire or an
electric shock.
Never pull out the plug while the device is in use.
Never permit cool air to be blown directly at you
for any lengthy period of time.
In the event of any abnormalities (e.g. smell of
burning), immediately switch off the device and
pull the plug. Contact your service partner.
Never poke fingers or sticks in the air inlet and
outlet vents.
Never attempt to repair the air conditioner
yourself. Always contact your service partner if it
requires repair.
Never pull the plug out by pulling on the cable.
Hold the plug firmly and pull it out of the plug
socket, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the
Always switch off the device and pull the plug
before you start to clean it.
Never actuate any switches with wet hands.
Never clean the air conditioner with water.
Never place any plants or animals under a
location to which cool air flows as this could have
an undesirable affect on them.
Never use combustible cleaning agents as these
could cause a fire or deformation.
If the air conditioner is to be used in conjunction
with other heaters, the air should be refreshed
periodically, otherwise there is a risk of lack of
Never use the device for any other purpose than
the intended use. Never place food, precision
instruments, plants, animals, paint, etc. on the
Never hold any burning objects close to the
device if they could be directly affected by the
emitted air.
Always pull out the power plug if the device is not
going to be used for any lengthy period of time.
Collections of dust can cause fire.
Never step onto the outdoor device and never
place anything on it.
Never use an unsteady or rusty base.
Never allow the device to run for too long with the
doors or windows open, or if the humidity is very
high. If the air conditioner runs for a long time in
cooling mode and the humidity is high (over
80%), condensed water may drip out of the
Never stand on an unsteady base when you
remove the device from the holder on the wall.
Check that the condensation water can run off
unhindered. Water damage can result if the
condensation water cannot run off properly.
Never touch any metal parts on the indoor device
when removing the air filter. You may injure
Never install the device in a room in which
combustible gases can be emitted. Emitted gases
may collect and cause an explosion.
Always switch off the device and pull out the
power plug during a storm. Electrical parts may
get damaged.
Earthing connection!
The power cable (plug) comes with an earthing
wire. Do not, therefore, change the plug.
For electrical safety purposes we recommend
that you install an earth-leakage circuit-breaker.
Have all electrical installation work performed by
a qualified electrician.
Ask a service partner or specialist cooling system
firm to undertake all work of cooling system-
related installation.
Incorrect installation may cause injury or damage
to the device.
2. Items supplied
a) SKA 2502 C
1 indoor device (box 1, art. no. 23.653.74)
1 outdoor device (box 2, art. no. 23.653.75)
1 set of installation accessories (for details, see page
b) SKA 3502 C+H
1 indoor device (box 1, art. no. 23.653.78)
1 outdoor device (box 2, art. no. 23.653.79)
1 set of installation accessories (for details, see page
Anleitung SKA 2502 C GB 01.12.2005 10:35 Uhr Seite 2

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Einhell ska 2502 c Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

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