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5. Before starting the equipment
Before you connect the equipment to the mains
supply make sure that the data on the rating plate are
identical to the mains data.
Always pull the power plug before making
adjustments to the equipment.
5.1 Fitting the suction tube (Fig. 3a-3d.)
First plug together the front suction tube (1) and the
rear suction tube (2). (Fig. 3a). Screw the two pipes
together with the special screws (Fig. 3b/Item 10).
Then please insert the suction tube into the motor
housing (Fig. 3c) and screw together with the special
screws (Fig. 3d/Item 10).
Note: Do not disassemble the suction tube any
more once it has been assembled.
5.2 Fitting the debris bag (Fig. 3e-3g)
First, hang the eyelet up on the appropriate hook on
the suction tube (Fig. 3e). Then slip the debris bag
(Fig. 3f/Item 7) over the port on the motor housing.
Make sure that there is an audible click when they
engage. Hang the second eyelet on the hook in the
housing (Fig. 3g)
5.3 Assembly of carrying strap (Fig. 3h)
Fasten the carrying strap (Fig. 2/Item 4) as shown in
Fig. 3h
5.4 Assembly of wheels
Push the wheels (Fig. 3i/Item 9) over the front
vacuum hose (Fig. 3i/Item 1) and fasten with the
screw (Fig 3k/Item A).
5.5 Assembly of handle
Insert the handle (Fig. 4/Item 3) into the recess in the
housing. Make sure that there is an audible click
when they engage.
Start up the tool only after it is fully assembled.
Always inspect the tool power cord for damage
before starting up. The tool may only be used if the
cord is in flawless condition.
6. Operation
6.1 Sizing the strap (Fig. 1)
Size the length of the carrying strap (4) so that the
vacuum tube just clears the ground. The guide rollers
(9) at the bottom end of the suction tube will help you
to maneuver the suction tube on the ground.
6.2 Connecting the tool to the power supply and
switching on (Fig. 5, 6)
The tool can be plugged into any socket-outlet (with
230 V AC) that is equipped with a 10A fuse or higher.
The socket-outlet has to be safeguarded by an earth-
leakage circuit breaker (e.l.c.b.). The operating
current must not exceed 30 mA.
b Insert the tool plug into the power cord coupling
b Secure the power cord with the sleeve provided
on the tool as shown.
b To switch on, press and hold the ON/OFF switch
(Fig. 6/Item 5).
b To switch off, let go of the ON/OFF switch (Fig.
6/item 5).
6.3 Selecting the mode of operation
6.3.1 Suctioning (Fig. 7)
b Turn the lever (Fig. 7/Item 8) to position B. You
can do this both when the device is at a standstill
and while it is running.
6.3.2 Blowing (Fig. 7)
b Turn the lever (Fig. 7/Item 8) to position C. You
can do this both when the device is at a standstill
and while it is running.
b Channel the air stream forward and walk slowly
to blow foliage or garden refuse into a pile or to
clear out hard-to-reach places.
b Important!
Empty the debris bag before blowing.
Otherwise, the material that has been
vacuumed up could drop out.
6.4 Emptying the debris bag and pre-screen
(Fig. 1)
Empty the debris bag (7) in good time. When the bag
is heavily loaded with material, vacuum power is
considerably reduced. Deposit organic refuse at a
compost site.
b Switch off the tool and pull out the plug.
b Open the zipper on the debris bag (7) and
shake out the material.
b Close the zip on the debris bag (7) again.
Anleitung_BG_EL_2301_2501E_SPK7:_ 27.05.2009 8:37 Uhr Seite 14

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