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The air conditioner does not run
Is the air conditioner plugged in?
Is there a power failure?
Is the comp / „full water‟ indicator flashing?
Is the room temperature below the set
The machine seems to do little
Is there direct sunshine? (Please put down the
Are too many windows or doors open?
Are there too many people in the room?
Is there something in the room producing lots of
The machine seems to do nothing.
Is the filter dusty, contaminated?
Is the air intake or output blocked up?
Is the room temperature below your selected
Too noisy
Is the machine positioned unevenly so as to create
vibration ?
Is the floor underneath the machine uneven?
The compressor doesn‟t run.
Is so, it is possible the overheat protection of the
compressor is on. Just wait for the temperature to
Never try to repair or dismantle the unit yourself
We declare the model EV9062 series be connected only to a supply with the relevant system
impedance no more than 0.309 ohm. Restrictions to connection may be imposed by the supply
authority on the use of equipment in the actual relevant system impedance at the interface point
on the user‟s premise exceeds 0.309 ohm.
We declare the model EV9061series be connected only to a supply with the relevant system
impedance no more than 0.466 ohm. Restrictions to connection may be imposed by the supply
authority on the use of equipment in the actual relevant system impedance at the interface point
on the user‟s premise exceeds 0.466 ohm.

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