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When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including
the following:
1. This Appliance is not intended to be used by children under 8 or anyone lacking knowledge
on proper use. Supervision may be necessary. Do not allow children to sit on or play with
the Appliance.
2. Clear the area to be cleaned. Remove power cords and small objects from the oor that could
entangle the Appliance. Tuck rug fringe under the rug base, and lift items such as curtains and
tablecloths off the oor.
3. If there is a drop off in the cleaning area due to a step or stairs, you should operate the
Appliance to ensure that it can detect the step without falling over the edge. It may become
necessary to place a physical barrier at the edge to keep the unit from falling. Make sure
the physical barrier is not a trip hazard.
4. Only use as described in this manual. Only use attachments recommended or sold by the
5. Please make sure your power supply voltage matches the power voltage marked on the
Charging Dock.
6. For INDOOR household use ONLY. Do not use the Appliance in outdoor, commercial or
industrial environments.
7. Use only the original rechargeable battery and Charging Dock provided with the Appliance
from the manufacturer. Non-rechargeable batteries are prohibited. For battery information,
please refer to Specications section.
8. Do not use without dust bin and/or lters in place.
9. Do not operate the Appliance in an area where there are lit candles or fragile objects.
10. Do not use in extremely hot or cold environments (below -5˚C/23˚F or above 40˚C/104˚F).
Keep hair, loose clothing, ngers, and all parts of body away from any openings and moving parts.
12. Do not operate the Appliance in a room where an infant or child is sleeping.
13. Do not use Appliance on wet surfaces or surfaces with standing water.
14. Do not allow the Appliance to pick up large objects like stones, large pieces of paper or any
item that may clog the Appliance.
15. Do not use Appliance to pick up ammable or combustible materials such as gasoline, printer
or copier toner, or use in areas where they may be present.
16. Do not use Appliance to pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes,
matches, hot ashes, or anything that could cause a re.
Do not put objects into the suction intake. Do not use if the suction intake is blocked. Keep the
intake clear of dust, lint, hair, or anything that may reduce air ow.
Take care not to damage the power cord. Do not pull on or carry the Appliance or Charging
Dock by the power cord, use the power cord as a handle, close a door on the power cord, or
pull power cord around sharp edges or corners. Do not run Appliance over the power cord.
Keep power cord away from hot surfaces.
19. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent
in order to avoid a hazard.
20. Do not use the Charging Dock if it is damaged.
Do not use with a damaged power cord or receptacle. Do not use the Appliance or Charging
Dock if it is not working properly, has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or come in
contact with water. It must be repaired by the manufacturer or its service agent in order to
avoid a hazard.
1. Important Safety Instructions

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ecovacs DEEBOT M88

Ecovacs DEEBOT M88 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 34 pagina's

Ecovacs DEEBOT M88 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 158 pagina's

Ecovacs DEEBOT M88 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 6 pagina's

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