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23. Warranty and liability
In accordance with our general terms and conditions ecom instruments GmbH provides a
warranty for this product for a period of two years regarding its function and material under the
specified and permitted operating and maintenance conditions. Exempt from this are all parts
that are subject to wear and tear (e.g. batteries, clips, hand straps, etc.) We provide a 6-month
manufacturer‘s warranty especially for the supplied Ex-battery.
This guarantee does not extend to products that are used improperly, have been modified,
neglected, damaged in accidents or exposed to abnormal operating conditions and inappro-
priate handling. Claims on the warranty can be asserted by sending in the defective device. We
reserve the right to repair, adjust or exchange the device.
The aforementioned guarantee conditions are the sole and only right of the purchaser to
compensation, are exclusively valid and replace all other contract or legal warranty obligations.
ecom instruments GmbH assumes no liability for special, direct, indirect, accompanying or
consequential damage as well as losses including the loss of data, independent of whether it
was caused by violation of the warranty obligation, lawful or unlawful action, action in good faith
or any other action.
If the limitation of a legal warranty as well as the exclusion or limitation of accompanying or
consequential damage is not permissible in certain countries, it may be that the aforementioned
limitations and exclusions are not valid for every purchaser. Should any such clause of these
warranty conditions be declared ineffective or unenforceable by a competent court, then the
effectiveness or enforceability of any of the other conditions of these warranty conditions shall
remain unaffected by such a judgment.
Usage notes
You can download ring tones, icons and animated screen savers with your mobile phone. Some
of these items may contain data that can lead to malfunctions of your phone or to the loss of
data (e.g., through viruses).
For this reason, ecom instruments GmbH assumes no responsibility whatsoever for (1) the re-
ceipt of downloaded data and/or the loss of this data, (2) the consequences on the functionality
of the phone, and (3) damages that arise through the downloaded data and/or the loss of the

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De handleiding is 1,45 mb groot.


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Andere handleiding(en) van Ecom xcom 610

Ecom xcom 610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 66 pagina's

Ecom xcom 610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 68 pagina's

Ecom xcom 610 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 65 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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