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For safe use of your product
For safe use of your product
Important information
Please ensure that you read the operator's manual before using your product.
About your operator's manual
This manual contains necessary information about the assembly, operation, and maintenance of your product.
Please read it carefully and absorb its contents.
Always keep your manual in a place where it is readily accessible.
If you have lost your manual or it is damaged and no longer readable, please purchase a new one from your dealer.
The units used in this manual are SI units (International System of Units). Figures in parentheses are reference val-
ues, and there may be a slight conversion error in some cases.
Failure to do so could lead to an accident or serious injury.
Intended use of this product
This product is lightweight, high-performance, petrol engined knapsack units designed for spreading liquid chemi-
Do not use this unit for any purpose other than aforementioned.
The content of this manual may be changed without notice for the purpose of upgrades to the product. Some of the
illustrations used may differ from the product itself in order to make the explanations clearer.
Please consult your dealer if anything is unclear or of concern.
Failure to do so could lead to an accident or serious injury.
Do not modify the product
You must not modify the product.
To do so could lead to an accident or serious injury. Any malfunction resulting from a modification to the product will not be
covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
Do not use the product unless it has been checked and maintained
You must not use the product unless it has been checked and maintained. Always ensure that the product is checked
and maintained on a regular basis.
Failure to do so could lead to an accident or serious injury.
Loaning or assigning your product
When loaning your product to another party, ensure that the person borrowing the product receives the operator's
manual along with it.
If you assign your product to another party, please enclose the operator's manual with the product when handing it
Failure to do so could lead to an accident or serious injury.
Users of the product
The product should not be used by:
people who are tired
people who have taken alcohol
people who are on medication
people who are pregnant
people who are in poor physical condition
people who have not read the operator's manual
Avoid direct contact or ingestion of chemicals you may use. Consult the label the chemicals, you may use for addi-
tional warning and precautions as well as emergency treatment. Stop operating the unit immediately if you feel sick
or excessive fatigue during operation. See a doctor if this condition persists.
Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their prop-
Failure to observe these instructions could lead to an accident.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Echo MB-580

Echo MB-580 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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