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1. Do not operate a chain saw with
one hand! Serious injury to the
operator, helpers, bystanders, or any
combination of these persons may
result from one-handed operation.
A chain saw is intended for two-handed
2. Do not operate a chain saw when you
are fatigued.
3. Use safety footwear, snug-tting
clothing and protective gloves.
Wear eye, hearing, and head
protection devices.
4. Use caution when handling fuel.
Move the chain saw at least 3 m
(10 feet) from the fueling point before
starting the engine.
5. Do not allow other persons to be near
the chain saw when starting or cutting
with the chain saw.
Keep bystanders and animals out of
the work area.
6. Do not start cutting until you have a
clear work area, secure footing, and
a planned retreat path from the falling
7. Keep all parts of your body away from
the saw chain when the engine is
8. Before you start the engine, make sure
that the saw chain is not contacting
9. Carry the chain saw with the engine
stopped, the guide bar and saw chain
to the rear, and the mufer away from
your body.
10. Do not operate a chain saw that is
damaged, improperly adjusted, or not
completely and securely assembled.
Be sure that the saw chain stops
moving when the throttle control trigger
is released.
11. Shut off the engine before setting the
chain saw down.
12. Use extreme caution when cutting
small size brush and saplings because
slender material may catch the saw
chain and be whipped toward you or
pull you off balance.
13. When cutting a limb that is under
tension, be alert for spring-back so that
you will not be struck when the tension
in the wood bers is released.
14. Keep the handles dry, clean, and free
of oil or fuel mixture.
15. Operate the chain saw only in well
ventilated areas.
16. Do not operate a chain saw in a tree
unless you have been specically
trained to do so.
17. All chain saw service, other than
items listed in the Instruction manual
maintenance instructions, should
be performed by competent service
(For example, if improper tools are
used to remove the ywheel or if
an improper tool is used to hold the
ywheel in order to remove the clutch,
structural damage to the ywheel could
occur and could subsequently cause
the ywheel to burst.)
18. When transporting your chain saw, use
the appropriate guide bar scabbard.
19. Spark arrestor mufers approved to
SAE Standard J335 are standard
on ECHO chain saws to reduce the
possibility of forest res.
Do not operate the chain saw with a
loose or defective mufer.
Do not remove the spark arrestor
B. Other Safety Precautions

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