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2.2 Operation
Risk to life due to susceptible pacemaker. Pacemakers and hearing
aids can be affected by radio waves and their function disrupted.
Get your doctor to check your pacemaker or hearing aid special-
ist to check your hearing aid for susceptibility to faults.
Risk of choking due to small components. Accessories are small
components and can be swallowed by children.
Keep small components of the EasyStart Web out of reach of
Risk of fire/deflagration due to ignition. Hazardous situations can
occur if the heater is operated in the immediate vicinity of flamma-
ble gases, fumes, liquids or dust.
Do not use the EasyStart Web control unit if the heater to be
activated is in an environment in which flammable gases, fumes,
liquids or dust are present or could be present.
Risk of poisoning due to escaping exhaust gases. Hazardous situa-
tions can occur during operation of the heater in enclosed rooms.
Do not use the EasyStart Web control unit if the activated heater
is located in enclosed rooms, e.g. in a garage or a multi-storey
car park.
Risk of short-circuit due to penetrating liquid. Penetration of
liquid into the EasyStart Web receiver unit can result in dangerous
Æ To reduce the risk of an electrical short-circuit or damage, do not
expose the receiver unit of the EasyStart Web to moisture.
2.3 Chargeable connectivity
To use the full functional scope of EasyStart Web the user (end
consumer) is dependent on use of the connectivity provided by
Eberspächer for a charge. Use of the service by the end consumer
establishes a contractual relationship between the provider of the
service (Eberspächer) and the user of the service (end consumer).
As the contract is not renewed automatically (subscription), a new
contract is concluded when the connectivity period is extended.
During the first 30 days, use of the full scope of EasyStart Web func-
tions is free of charge for the end customer, after active enabling by
the installing workshop.
2.4 Disclaimer
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use or
incorrect operation.
Failure to comply with the safety instructions makes the guarantee
null and void and this leads to the exclusion of any liability of
Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG.
2.5 Accident prevention
Always follow all accident prevention regulations and shop and
operating safety instructions.
2.6 EU Declaration of Conformity
We herewith declare that the version of EasyStart Web placed on the
market by us conforms with the following EU Directive.
EU Directive 2014/53/EU
The full Declaration of Conformity can be viewed and downloaded
from the download centre at www.eberspaecher.com.
22.1000.34.5105.0C | EN | 12.2017 5
Operating instructions | EasyStart Web

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eberspacher EasyStart Web

Eberspacher EasyStart Web Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 108 pagina's

Eberspacher EasyStart Web Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Eberspacher EasyStart Web Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Eberspacher EasyStart Web Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Polski, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 108 pagina's

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