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Congratulations on the purchase of your Jackey!
The Jackey meets the following standards:
EN1888-1: 2018
EN1888-2: 2018
IMPORTANT! Read the instructions carefully before use and keep
them for future reference. Your child’s safety may be aected if you
do not follow these instructions.
Children should be harnessed in at all times and should never be left
unattended. The child should be clear of moving parts while making
adjustments. This vehicle requires regular maintenance by the
user. Overloading, incorrect folding and the use of non-approved
accessories may damage or break this vehicle. Read the instructions.
WARNING! This product is only suitable for children from newborn
up to 4 years up to a maximum weight of 22 kg / 48.5 lbs.
WARNING! Never leave your child unattended.
WARNING! Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before
WARNING! The parking device shall be engaged during the loading
and unloading of your child.
WARNING! The maximum load that can be stored in the storage
basket is: 5 kg / 11 lbs.
WARNING! This product is only suitable for one child.
WARNING! Accessories or replacement parts which are not
approved by the manufacturer shall not be used.
WARNING! Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of
the backrest and/or on the sides of the vehicle will aect the stability
of the vehicle.
WARNING! Always use the restraint system.
WARNING! Always use the crotch strap in combination with the
waist belt when carrying your child in the seat.
WARNING! This product is not suitable for running or skating.
WARNING! Carelessness causes fire.
WARNING! Incorrect folding/overloading and the use of non
approved accessories may break or damage this product.
WARNING! Keep this plastic cover away from children to avoid
WARNING! Do not let your child play with the Jackey.
WARNING! To avoid injury ensure that your child is kept away when
unfolding and folding this product.
TIP: If the instructions say left or right, this is always meant when
looking from behind the Jackey handles.
IMPORTANT: When assembling the Jackey there should not be a
child in the seat or carrycot.
IMPORTANT: Avoid dangerous situations.
Take your child out of the Jackey if you go up or down stairs,
escalators or steep hills.

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