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1. Applications
This electronic temperature controller is designed for con-
trolling the room temperature in conjunction with:
heating systems e.g. hot-water heaters, convector heaters
or floor heating
Heating cooling change over in combination with
connection strip and suitable input
• circulation pumps
• PWM-Output (TPI)
• Relay change over contact
Heater switch (stand-by, controller remains on mains,
load will be switched off)
2. Description of functions
2.1 Functions
The room temperature is measured by the integrated
sensor and is set via the dial.
2.2 Remote sensor
For measuring the room temperature a remote sensor can
be used instead of the internal one.
If the remote sensor is connected, the internal one
automatically will be disabled.
In case of sensor error the internal sensor will be used.
3. Mounting / Commissioning
The controller should be mounted at a point in the room
• can be easily accessed
• is free of curtains, cabinets, shelves, etc.
• allows free air circulation
• is not exposed to direct sunlight
• is not draughty (when doors or windows are opened)
• is not directly influenced by the source of heat/cold
• is not located on an outer wall
• is approx. 1.5 m above the floor.
The device may only be opened and installed ac-
cording to the circuit diagram on the device or these
instructions by a qualified electrician. The existing
safety regulations must be observed.
In order to comply with safety class II, the necessary
installation steps must be taken.
This independently mountable electronic device is desi-
gned for controlling the temperature in dry and enclo-
sed rooms only under normal conditions.
The device confirms to EN 60730, it works according
operating principle 1C
468 931 003 667-5
Mounting and
Operating Instructions
Electronic room temperature controller
with PWM-Output (TPI)
RTR R1w, 517 1241…
Electrical connection
Perform the steps described below:
• Pull off the temperature dial
• Release the fixing screw
• Remove the upper part of the casing
• Connect acc. to circuit diagram (see inside cover)
Remote sensor F 193 720 or F 190 021 (as accessory)
Do not install the sensor close to mains cables. In other
cases a shilded cable has to be used.
The sensor can be extended to max. 50 m by means of a
cable suitable for mains voltage.
Caution! Sensor leads carry mains voltage (230 V).
4. Technical data
Order designation RTR R1w
EDP No.: 517 1241…
Temperature setting range: 5…30 °C
Heater switch ON/OFF 1-pole
Supply voltage 230 V AC (195…253 V)
50 Hz
Power consumption if
heater switch is off 0,5 W
Output Relay, change over contact
Switching current: 10mA5 A cosϕ = 1;
10 mA 4 A cosϕ = 0.6
Control algorithm TPI (Proportional controller
(similar to continuous
through PWM))
Switching temperature
differential ~0,5°C
Temperature sensor: internal
Remote sensor Type F 193 720 or F 190 021
(can be extended to 50 m)
Range limitation inside the dial
Degree of protection
of casing IP30
Safety class II (see Caution)
Pollution degree 2
Software class A
Rated impulse voltage 4 kV
Ball pressure test
temperature 75 ± 2 °C
Voltage and Current for
the for purposes of
interference measurements 230 V, 0.1A
Ambient temperature 040 °C
Storage temperature 2570°C
Weight 90 g
Energy class I = 1 %
(acc. EU 811/2013, 812/2013, 813/2013, 814/2013)
Sensor characteristics
10°C 66.8 kΩ 30°C 26.3 kΩ
20°C 41.3 kΩ 40°C 17.0 kΩ
25°C 33 kΩ 50°C 11.3 kΩ
5. Wiring Diagram
Caution! De-energize the electric circuit first
6. Dimensions
Remote sensor F 193 720 as accessory
Remote sensor F 190 021 as accessory
This product should not be disposed of with
household waste.
Please recycle the products where facilities for
electronic waste exist. Check with your local
authorities for recycling advice.

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