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The LED-BEAT can be used stand-alone, using the
rechargeable battery and can be controlled using the buttons on the main unit.
The LED-BEAT is:
Bluetooth® Speaker
Music player with AUX / USB / TF input
Handsfree calling
1. - Short press: Search for radio stations in FM mode
- Short press: Play/Pause the music
- Short press: Answer/end call during handsfree calling
- Press 2x: Redial last number
- Long press: Turn ON/OFF LED lights
2. - Short press: Mode selection
3. - Short press: Go to previous track / FM station
- Long press: Decrease the volume
4. - Short press: Go to next track / FM station
- Long press: Increase the volume
5. Micro USB charging slot
6. ON/OFF switch
7. Micro SD/TF card input slot
8. USB input slot
9. AUX input port
10. Micro USB charging cable
11. AUX cable
12. LED indicator
! The LED-BEAT must be fully charged before rst use!
1. Plug the micro USB cable (10) into the micro USB charging socket
(5). Plug the other end of the USB cable (10) into your computer
or USB travel charger (not included). It is recommended to charge
the speaker when it is turned OFF, to maximize battery life.
2. The red LED indicator (12) at the back of the LED-BEAT will light
up and your device will start charging. When the battery is fully
charged, the LED indicator (12) will turn off.
3. When the battery capacity is low, you will hear a beep.
The LED-BEAT battery offers up to 6 hours wireless music time. Music
time may vary from usage (volume + LED lights ON/OFF).
Turning ON: Slide the ON/OFF switch (6) to ON position.
Turning OFF: Slide the ON/OFF switch (6) to OFF position.
Long press I<< (3) to decrease the volume. Long press >>I (4) to increase the
volume. When minimum/maximum volume is reached, you will hear a beep.
Press M (2) to switch between Bluetooth® and FM mode.
AUX mode is only available after connecting the AUX cable (11) to the
AUX input port (9).
USB mode and TF/SD card mode are activated automatically when
inserting a USB device or SD/TF card into the corresponding slot.
1. Bluetooth® mode is activated automatically when turning ON the
unit. You will hear “Bluetooth® mode”.
2. Let your phone search for Bluetooth® devices. Select “DYM
LEDbeat” to pair both devices. You will hear a beep. You can now
use you LED-BEAT to listen to your favorite music wirelessly.
To ensure automatic reconnection between the phone and the LED-
BEAT, we recommend setting the LED-BEAT as “Authorized” in the
Bluetooth® menu of your phone! Please refer to the manual of your
mobile phone for more detailed information.

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