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Figure 1
Quick Reference Guide
Figure 2
Figure 3
Font Size
# Lines CAPs
Num Lock
LCD Display
Num Lock
Space Bar
Label Exit
Memory Save
Memory Recall
Getting to Know Your Label Maker
W001835_C Rev. 03/16
Inserting the Label Cassette
1. Press and release the label
cassette cover to open the label
compartment. See Figure 2.
2. Insert the cassette with the label
positioned between the print
head and pinch roller.
3. Press firmly until cassette clicks
into place.
4. Close the label cassette cover and
press to turn on the power.
About Your New Label Maker
With your new DYMO LetraTag® label maker, you can create a wide
variety of high-quality, self-adhesive labels. The label maker uses
DYMO LetraTag (LT) 1/2 inch (12 mm) label cassettes. LT label cassettes
are available in a variety of colors and materials such as paper, plastic,
metallic, magnetic, and iron-on.
Visit www.dymo.com for a complete User Guide, and for information
on obtaining labels for your label maker.
Product Registration
Visit www.dymo.com/registration to register your label maker online.
Getting Started
Follow the instructions in this section to print your first label.
Inserting the Batteries
1. Remove the battery compartment cover.
2. Insert the batteries following the polarity
markings (+ and –).
3. Replace the cover.
Remove the batteries if the label maker will not
be used for a long period of time.
Setting the Date and Time
1. Press .
2. Select Set Date and press . The default date is displayed.
3. Use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting
(month, day, and year) and use the up or down arrow key to increase
or decrease the value.
4. When finished, press .The default time is displayed.
5. Use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor over each setting
(hours and minutes) and use the up or down arrow key to increase or
decrease the value.
6. When finished, press .
Printing Your First Label
1. Enter text to create a simple label.
2. Press .
3. Press the cutter button to cut the label.
4. Remove the paper backing from the label to expose the adhesive, and
then attach the label.
Designing Your Label
Changing the Font Size
Five font sizes are available for your labels: Extra Small, Small, Medium,
Large, and Extra Large.
1. Press the key.
2. Select Size and press .
3. Select the desired font size and then press .
Adding Font Styles
You can choose from six different font styles:
Normal Outline
Bold Shadow
Italic Vertical
1. Press .
2. Select Style and press .
3. Select a font style and press .
Creating Two-Line Labels
1. Type the text for the first line and press .
2. Select Second Line and press . A multi-line symbol is inserted at
the end of the first line, but will not print on the label.
3. Type the text for the second line.
Selecting a Language
1. Press .
2. Use the up or down arrow key to select Language and press .
3. Use the up or down arrow key to select the language you want and
press .

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Andere handleiding(en) van Dymo LetraTAG LT-100H

Dymo LetraTAG LT-100H Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 25 pagina's

Dymo LetraTAG LT-100H Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Dymo LetraTAG LT-100H Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 19 pagina's

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