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Note: If you need to bind a MiStat thermostat, enter the MiStat menu as described in
Step 4 until 11 WIRELESS is shown, press +/- to show 12 BIND, press ( ) to select. You
also need to enter the binding process on the MiTime unit, by entering the installer
menu, then the zone setting and RF binding menu options as shown in the table above.
Technical Data
MiTime T710R, T720R, T740R, T720M, T740M
Voltage MiTime: 230V a.c.
MiStat: 2 x AA, 1.5V alkaline batteries
Switch Rating MiTime: 2 (1) A 230V a.c. each switch
Ambient temp Operating: 0º to 45ºC (MiTime 3/4
channel 0º to 40ºC, MiStat C 0º to 50ºC)
Storage: -20ºC to 5C
Without mains
MiTime Display: blank. MiTime Time:
always kept. MiTime Programme times:
always preserved
MiTime: 1 minute
Pollution degree MiTime: 2
Rated impulse
MiTime: 2.5kV
Ball pressure test
MiTime: 75°C
Radio frequency 868.3 MHz (Bi-directional communication)
Radio signal
30m typically. The range may be
affected by the composition / density
and number of walls between the
MiTime and MiStat
MiStat Room: 5°C to 30°C
MiStat Cylinder: 4C to 70°C
Control accuracy Mistat Room: <0.6°C at 4°/hour
MiStat Cylinder: +0/-8°C
Wiring MiTime: Fixed wiring only, to comply
with current IEE regulations (BS7671)
MiStat Room: No wiring required
MiStat Cylinder: Ø0.5mm
2 core cable
between Sensor & MiStat
Mounting MiTime: Industry standard wallplate
MiStat: Wall bracket or table stand
MiStat Sensor: Direct mounting onto
Energy Class IV = 2% (According to EU 811/2013,
812/2013, 813/2013)
Relevant EC
2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive
1995/5/EC R&TTE Directive
2006/66/EC Battery Directive
2011/65/EU RoHS Directive
EN60730-1; EN60730-2-7; EN60730-2-9
ETSI EN 300 220-3; ETSI EN 301 489-3
Step 7: Connection Charts
Step 8: Installer Settings
Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
Min on/off (*only
when Control type
is On/of f)
Select 1 min., 3 min., 5 min. or 10 min. 1 min.
Hysteresis (*only
when Control type
is On/of f)
Enable or disable Hysteresis Disabled
Frost Protection
*Heating zones
Enable or disable the Frost protection in the
MiTime unit.
Valve protection The output will be activated for the speci ed time
(in minutes). This will happen weekly, related to the
last actuation of the output. Select 0 to 10 minutes.
0 minutes (Off)
Screen lock Enable or disable the lock in the MiTime unit.
To Lock: Enter a 3 digit code for protection
To Unlock: Enter the 3 digit code
Master Code 401
Powersave To reduce power use when not being adjusted.
Available options are: Powersave off, partial display
with key data, no display until button press
Powersave off
System Reset Will reset all settings to factory per-sets
Signal Strength Informs about the current signal strength in the various zones
Service Settings To help comply with regulation 36 of the Gas safety [Installation & Use]
regulations 1998
Si Status Enable or disable Service mode Disabled
Si Type Select between, Reduced Comfort, Switched Off &
No Effect (warnings only)
Reduced Comfort
Reduced comfort
Set the duration for the reduced comfort setting
(0 to 60mins.)
15 min.
Si due date Set the date the next boiler service is due Today
Warning start Set the number of days for the on-screen service
due warning (0 to 60 days)
30 days
Boost status Enable or disable Service Boost Disabled
No. of boosts Set the number of Boosts to be available after
service is due (1 to 99)
Audible Alarm Enable or disable Service Alarm Enabled
Installer tel Enter the Installer telephone number if required
Set password Set password to restrict access to the Service
Feature: Description: Factory Pre-Set:
Installer Settings
! CAUTION! These settings should only be modifi ed by a quali ed person.
They can in uence safety and the proper functioning of the system.
Zone Settings Customise the MiTime according to personal requirements. These are
settings which will be applied to a connected room/cylinder stat.
Select zone Select a zone for the following actions
Rename zone To rename an existing zone Heating, H Water,Bed 1
View Product
View the product details, e.g. Part number,
Firmware revision etc.
Minimum temp It will not be possible to set a lower temperature 5C (Cyl stat = 40C)
Maximum temp It will not be possible to set a higher temperature 30C (Cyl stat = 70C)
Eco temp. Temperature used for energy saving periods e.g.
during the night
16C (Cyl stat = N/A)
Comfort temp. Temperature used for comfort periods e.g. during
the day
21C (Cyl stat = N/A)
Backlight settings Available options are: On with timeout, Always Off On with timeout
Temp. offset Adjust the displayed temperature to personal needs 0C (Cyl stat = N/A)
Screen lock Enable or disable the lock in the room unit
To Lock: Enter a 3 digit code for protection
To Unlock: Enter the 3 digit code
Master Code 401
RF Binding Bind the remote thermostat to the receiver. Pre-bound
Delete zone
(not T710R)
To delete an existing zone. The last zone cannot
be deleted
Min. 1 Zone
Add Zone
(not T710R)
Add a new zone, apply a name & bind a thermostat.
A time table can be applied.
T720: Max. 2 Zones
T740: Max. 4 Zones
System Settings These are the settings which will be applied to the MiTime unit
View product
View the product details, e.g. Part number,
Firmware revision etc.
Backlight settings Available options are: On with timeout, Always On,
Always Off
On with timeout
Control type
*Heating zones
Select TPI, TP or On/Off. TPI = Use if the house
usually reaches setpoint in < 1 hour. TP = Use if the
house usually reaches setpoint in > 1 hour
On/Off = Use if the boiler should not switch
regularly, e.g. Solid fuel.
Cycle rate (*only
when Control type
is TPI or TP)
Select 3 cph (cycles per hour), 6 cph or 12 cph 6 cph
Always switch off the mains before removing
the MiTime programmer – and never fi t it to a live
Arrowed numbers relate to the junction box.
* Consult boiler handbook for details of pump
overrun wiring.
Make the wiring connections, as above, for the
appropriate system. For surface wiring, snap out the
cable entry strip on the bottom edge of the wall-plate.
MiTime units are double-insulated and need no earth
connection, but an earthing continuity (loop) terminal is
provided for convenience.
After wiring, plug in the unit and tighten the securing
screws. Check the mains input has a 3A fuse, and switch
on the mains.
Bifl o system: Model T720R
Bifl o system: Model T720M
Twinzone system: Model T720R
3 Zone system: Model T740MTwinzone system: Model T720M
From the Home screen, select
Settings, then Installer settings
as shown.
If using the Service feature,
remember to set the Password
when complete.
From here you can edit the
assigned zones, rename them if
required and adjust the Service
3 Zone system: Model T740R
Client Invensys File Name 7378 Drayton Instruction Manual Update 06490194001
Artworker -
Proof Stage
Finished Size 420x297mm
Creative Director Mike Lane Artwork % 100%
Modification Date 22/04/15 10:38AM Bleed 3mm

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Drayton MiTime T720R Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

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