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*In the United States, the SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/
kilogram (W/kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a sub-
stantial margin of safety to give additional protection for the public and to account for
any variations in measurements. SAR values may vary depending on national reporting
requirements and the network band.
Care and maintenance
Your unit is a technically advanced product and should be treated with the greatest care.
Negligence may void the warranty.
Protect the unit from moisture. Rain/snowfall, moisture and all types of liquid can
contain substances that corrode the electronic circuits. If the unit gets wet, you
should remove the battery and allow the unit to dry completely before you replace
Do not use or keep the unit in dusty, dirty environments. The unit’s moving parts
and electronic components can be damaged.
Do not keep the unit in warm places. High temperatures can reduce the lifespan
for electronic equipment, damage batteries and distort or melt certain plastics.
Do not keep the unit in cold places. When the unit warms up to normal tempera-
ture, condensation can form on the inside which can damage the electronic circuits.
Do not try to open the unit in any other way than that which is indicated here.
Do not drop the unit. Do not knock or shake it either. If it is treated roughly the cir-
cuits and precision mechanics can be broken.
Do not use strong chemicals to clean the unit.
Maintain the battery and phone during operation between 0 °C–40 °C. If the
phone and battery become too warm or too cold, the phone and battery may not
work temporarily, even if the battery is fully charged. Subjecting the phone and bat-
tery to excessive temperatures can create a safety hazard resulting in fire, explo-
sion or other hazards.
Do not disassemble or open crush, bend or deform, puncture or shred.
Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery,
immerse or expose to water or other liquids, expose to fire, explosion or other
Only use the battery for the system for which it is specified.
Only use the battery with a charging system that has been qualified with the system
per IEEE-Std-1725. Use of an unqualified battery or charger may present a risk of
fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard.
Do not short circuit a battery or allow metallic conductive objects to contact battery
Replace the battery only with another battery that has been qualified with the sys-
tem per this standard, IEEE-Std-1725. Use of an unqualified battery may present a
risk of fire, explosion, leakage or other hazard.
Promptly dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations.
Battery usage by children should be supervised.

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  • Als ik iemand bel,hoe laat ik aan de ontvanger weten van wie(naam)het telefoontje is,Telefoonnummer wordt wel zichtbaar, Gesteld op 31-10-2018 om 21:25

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Andere handleiding(en) van Doro Liberto 820 Mini

Doro Liberto 820 Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 74 pagina's

Doro Liberto 820 Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 76 pagina's

Doro Liberto 820 Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 76 pagina's

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