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contact with the water
and the salt.
contact with the water and the salt.contact with the water
Place the
bread pan in the
Turn the bread
pan clockwise to lock. Close the
door and
plug in the un
Set the current time, if you wish to work with the timer.
Turn the “auto cooking/time temp. weight” button, to se
lect the desired menu
When you select “basic” menu, you can select the cr
ust colour, by gently turning
When you select “basic” menu, you can select the crust colour, by gently turning When you select “basic” menu, you can select the cr
the “auto cooking/t
ime temp. weight”
For al
l other menus you can’t select the
crust colour.
7. Press the
“instant start” button to confi rm the selection.
urn the
Turn the T
“auto cooking
time temp. weight” ag
ain to select the wiehgt.
9. Press the “preset clock” button to return t
o the curr
ent time. If you want to set the
, press the “preset cl
ock” button for 3 sec
. No set the time, on which you w
the programm to star
. Press the “preset clock” button ag
ain to confi rm the set time.
10. Press “instant start” button.
11. After the ba
cking process is don
e, you’ll hear 6 biep signals. Open the oven door
and take out
the bread pan using oven
mittens. When not taking the bread
out of the
oven, the oven will keep warm
g the bread
for 1 hour. Y
ou can cancel the
for 1 hour. You can cancel the for 1 hour. Y
by pressing the “stop clear” button for 3 seconds;
Note :
ays be very caref
ull when handling the bread pan, it can be very hot.
ays be very caref
ull when handling the bread pan, it can be very hot.ays be very caref
As long as the
bread pan is in the oven, you
may not use the microwave function.
12. Me
ry function
hen there is a power failur
e during the bac
king process
, the prog
ramm will continue
, on the condition
automatically, on the condition automatically
that the p
ower failure
’t exceed 10 min.
After 10
min. you must reprogramm the unit
and if necessary use new ingredients.
min. you must reprogramm the unit
and if necessary use new ingredients.min. you must reprogramm the unit
n using the timer function during cooking, take foll
owing actions :
1. Set the current time :
- press t
he “preset clock” button
- turn the “auto cooking/time temp. weight” button to select the hour
- press the “preset clock” button again to confi rm the time.
- Turn the “auto cooking/ time temp. weight” button to select the minutes.
- Press the “preset clock” button to confi rm
2. Select the desi
red cooking function and set the timer :
- (mic
ave, convection, bread)
- Press
and kee
p the “preset clock” button un
til the time s
tarts blin
- Set the time on which the programm must start working.
- Press the “preset clock” b
on again to confi rm th
set t
iem and
return to the current
You can check the set timer by pressing the “preset cl
ock” button shortly.
NOTE : Always make sure to programm the correct current time on your

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