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on the display after you have pressed the start button, your bread maker needs to be serviced by a
qualified technician. Please contact your store.
Why is the height of the bread different on every occasion?
The shape and the height of the bread depend on the ambient temperature, the quality and the
quantity of the used ingredients.
Why doesnt the bread rise?
You have forgotten to add the yeast or you have added an insufficient quantity, or the yeast you have
used is too old.
How does the time delay function work?
You must not program this function for a period of time under 3 hours or over 13 hours. The time
delay function requires minimum 58 minutes to deal with all the necessary stages of the process. You
can use the program "fast", but not with the time delay function. Ingredients may go bad if they are
kept in the bread maker for more than 13 hours without being baked.
Why cant i add extra ingredients to the basic ingredients?
For the dough or the bread to have the right shape and to rise in the appropriate manner, dried raisins
and similar ingredients need to be added at a later stage. Moreover, such ingredients may be damaged
in the kneading process. They could also get sticky or get distributed unevenly throughout the dough.
You should not add these ingredients until you have heard the first bleep. Do not add any ingredients
when you are using the "fast" or "speed" programs. You can not program the time
delay function when you have selected the "dough" program.
Can I use fresh milk instead of water?
Yes, as long as you do not alter the total quantity of liquid. For example: if the recipe says you need
210 ml of water, you could replace this quantity by 210 ml of milk or, equally, by 105 ml of water and
105 ml of milk. The total quantity of liquid has to be maintained.
Sometimes the crust has a light colour, sometimes it is darker:
You can adjust the crust colour yourself, by using the "crust" button. This button allows you to
select a "light", "medium" or "dark" crust colour.
Why has my bread risen as high as the lid of the breadmaker?
You have used either too much sugar or too much yeast or both. This has caused a larger amount
of gas bubbles within the bread.
Why doesnt the program "fast" allow me to bake a bread with fruits?
With this program, the time for fermenting is shorter. When you add more ingredients, this will
also effect the baking time and the result will be disappointing.

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