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accomplished by using the concentrator. Hold the terry cloth to the side to catch the
loose residue as it is blown by the concentrator.
: always vacuum any loose residue off the surface before you apply vapor to it.
Use the concentrator to blow away dirt in the ice machine and on door seals. The
vapor will not dry out or crack the seals as chemicals often do. Can openers and other
kitchen equipment can be easily cleaned with the detail brush to get into all the nooks
and crannies. Mould stains around door gaskets can be removed with the detail brush.
: when cleaning small electrical appliances always unplug them from outlet
before cleaning. To clean counter tops, use the fl oor brush with a terry cloth attached.
For heavily soiled areas, use the brush without the terry cloth towel fi rst in order to
loosen the debris, then follow with a terry cloth attached to fi nish.
: Wipe with a towel immediately before the cleaned area dries. When cleaning
the oven, use the detail brush to clean around the elements and drip trays. Use the
detail brush for cracks, crevices and hard to reach areas.
The Ultra Steam Shark II has many uses that have not been mentioned. This was
meant only to give you a general idea of what can be achieved with the unit.It is
most helpful to always have a terry cloth or paper towel ready to use for removal of
moisture and residue. 100% white cotton towels work best.
You can clean the brushes with your steam cleaner. To clean the fl oor brush, hold at
one end and use the concentrator to simply blow off dirt into the garbage can. When
cleaning the detail brush, use a pair of pliers to hold and blow dirt as above or place in
the basket of your dishwasher.
If you consistently use demineralized or distilled water, cleaning the tank is
Normally, a periodic rinse of your Ultra Steam Shark II will free it from deposits. This
is recommended every 10 – 15 tankfulls, to free up any scale deposits from the tank.
Fill the boiler with water and shake the cleaner vigorously. Tilt the cleaner upside
down to empty the boiler of water and any scale deposits.

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