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When using your DOMO Ultra Steam Shark II, always follow the safety
instructions below:
1. Read all instructions before using your Ultra Steam Shark II.
2. Only use the appliance for the intended use.
3. Never immerse any part of the appliance in water, because of the danger of
4. Never pull the cord to remove the plug from the socket, always take hold of the
plug itself.
5. Make sure the cord doesn’t touch hot surfaces. Let the appliance cool down
completely for 15 minutes, before storing it or before refi lling (by removing the safety
cap). Turn the cord loosely around the appliance for storage.
6. Always remove the plug from the socket before fi lling the unit with water, emptying
the unit or when not in use. Open the safety cap from the unit slowly so any residual
steam and pressure can escape gradually.
7. DO NOT use the appliance when the cord or the plug have been damaged, when the
unit has been dropped or is damaged. Never try to repair your Ultra Steam Shark II
yourself. Always returnthe unit back to the vendor for repair. When the appliance isn’t
repaired correctly you can run the risk of electrocution or injuries.
8. Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is used by or near children.
Never leave the appliance unattended when it is still plugged in.
9. Contact with hot metal parts, hot water or steam can cause burns. Be extra careful
when emptying the unit, there can still be hot water inside. Never steam towards
persons. The steam is very hot and can cause burns.
10. Never use the appliance near combustible or explosive materials.
11. This appliance is only intended for household use. Follow all the directions in this
instruction booklet.
12. DO NOT use any chemicals or other liquids other than water in the unit. Other
liquids may damage the unit and will invalidate your warranty.
13. The steam should not be aimed at parts containing electrical components, like
the inside of ovens.
To prevent the risk of fi re, electrocution or injuries :
Never leave the appliance unattended while the unit is plugged in
Remove the plug from the socket when the unit is not in use, before cleaning or
before refi lling the water tank.
The Ultra Steam Shark II is NOT a toy. Close supervision is necessary when the unit
is used by or near children, pets and plants.
Only use the appliance as described in this manual. Only use the accessories
recommended by the manufacturer.
DO NOT pull the cord; don’t use the cord as a handle. DO NOT press the cord
between doors or bend the cord around corners or sharp edges. Keep the cord away

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