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1. Read the complete instruction booklet.
2. Don’t touch any hot surfaces. Use the knobs and handles.
3. Don’t insert the appliance, the power cord or the plug in water or any other
4. When children are around, you should use the toaster under close
5. Remove the plug from the socket when you don’t use the appliance, as also
when cleaning the appliance.
6. Don’t use the appliance when the power cord or the plug is damaged or when
the appliance has fallen or is damaged in anyway.
7. Only use the appliance indoor.
8. Don’t place the appliance near a burning gas or electrical stove or in a hot
9. The breadlift must be elovated before you plug in or remove the plug.
10. Make sure that the air around the toaster can circulate freely. Don’t place
anything on top of the toaster.
11. Don’t try to remove any bread when the plug is still in the socket.
12. This appliance is for houshold use only. It can only be used for toasting
13. The cord is short to prevent accidents( exp. Tripping over the cord). Be
careful when using an extension cord.
14. Don’t ever use a fork or any other sharp, metal object to clean the toaster or
to remove bread from the toaster, as long as the plug is still in the socket.
1. Breadlift
2. Browning control
3. Stop button
4. Reheat button
5. Defrost button
6. Bunwarmer button
1. Before you use the appliance for the fi rst time, remove all stickers and labels and
clean the outside of the toaster with a damp cloth. Use the toaster for the fi rst time
without any bread in it. Press down the breadlift and put the browning control to
the maximum position. This way you will burn existing dust that has fallen into the
toaster during production or transport. During this fi rst use a small smoke and odeur
development is possible.
2. For toasting bread, plug in the toaster. Choose the desired browning degree en put
the bread in the slot. Press down the breadlift until it clicks. The heating element is
now activated. The bread will be centred automatically for even toasting. Precise

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