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When using electrical appliances, you always need to respect the basic safety
precautions. Read the following instructions carefully.
Don’t touch hot surfaces. Use the handles of the appliance. Use oven mittens when
removing the lid or one of the steam bowls, this to prevent burns.
To prevent the risk of electrocution never immerse the cord, the plug or the base of the
unit into water or any other liquid.
Close supervision is necessary when the unit is used near or by children.
Remove the plug from the socket when the unit is not in use or before cleaning.
Make sure the unit is cooled down before removing or placing parts.
Don’t use the unit when the cord or plug are damaged. When the unit malfunctions
or when it has been dropped. Return the appliance to your vendor for control and/or
The use of parts that don’t belong to the appliance or are not recommended by the
manufacturer can cause accidents.
Don’t use the appliance outdoors.
Don’t drape the cord over the edge of a counter top or table or come in contact with
hot surfaces.
Don’t place the appliance near a hot stove, a microwave oven, inside a heated oven or
directly underneath a cupboard.
Be very cautious moving the unit when it contains hot water, food or any other liquid.
Only use the appliance for the intended use.
Don’t use the appliance near explosive and/or fl ammable fumes.
Open the lid very carefully to prevent burns and let the water drip into the steam bowl.
This appliance is for household use only, not for commercial or industrial use. The
use of the appliance for anything else than described in this booklet will expire the
Don’t open the base of the unit. The base doesn’t contain parts that you can repair.
Cooking with one steam bowl
Fill the water reservoir with cold tap water up to the required marking. Never fi ll the
reservoir above the max. indication.
Place the drip tray on the base.
Place herbs on the metal grid in the centre of the drip tray, to add more fl avour to the
Place the food inside the steam bowl and place the lid on top.
Place the bowl on the base. Insert the plug into the socket and select the desired
steaming time, max. 60 min. When the steaming time is over you’ll hear a bel signal,
the power indicator light will go out and the appliance will turn off automatically.
There may still be water left in the reservoir.
Note : when the selected steam time is under 15 min. turn the timer knob fi rst over 15
min. and than lower it again to the desired steaming time.

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