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the fridge.
After placing the ingredients in your ice cream maker, you can have soft ice cream
after 20-40 min. The freezing time depends on your own taste, the ingredients and the
amount of ice cream. Always make sure only to use cooled ingredients.
Never use the ice bucket to safe your ice cream in the freezer.
Tips :
Always clean thoroughly all ingredients which come in contact with the ingredients.
Only use fresh ingredients to prepare your ice cream.
Always unplug the appliance before cleaning.
Clean the outside and the motor with a soft cloth, if necessary with a bit of detergent.
Never clean the accessories in the dishwasher. Wash the ice bucket, the mixing hook
and the transparent lid in hot soapy water. Rinse them hot water and dry thoroughly.
Never use abrasive cleaners, steel wool or scrub sponge.
3 ½ dl milk – 150g sugar – 2 dl cream – 3 egg yolks – dash of salt
Mix the egg yolks and sugar with a mixer to a creamy substance. Add the cream
and milk. Mix everything while adding a bit of salt. Put the mixture in the ice cream
Time : +/- 30 min.
3 ½ dl milk – 150g sugar – 2 dl cream – 3 egg yolks – dash of salt
Mix the egg yolks and sugar with a mixer to a creamy substance. Add the cream and
milk and heat the mixture up to boiling point, but don’t let it boil. When the foam
becomes fi rm, there will be a yellow cream on top. Take the mixture of the fi re and let
it cool down. Add the mixture in the ice cream maker.
Time : +/- 30 min.
1 vanilla stick – 3 egg yolks – 3 ½ dl milk – 2 dl cream – 150g sugar
Wash the vanilla stick and slice it lengthwise, so the aroma can spread better in the
mixture. Mix the milk and cream, add the vanilla stick to it and heat it up. Take it off
the fi re as soon as it boils. Let it cool. Mix the egg yolk and the sugar, add the milk/
cream mixture, after removing the vanilla stick. Heat it up again, but without boiling
it. When the mixture start to set, take it of the fi re and let it cool down. Filter the
mixture and add it in the ice cream maker.
Time : +/- 30 min.

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