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Instructions for use
1. This mixer is suited for mixing drinks and other liquids, to mix small pieces
of fruit or vegetables, to make sauce and for the preparation of mash and
baby food.
2. For hygienic reasons, we recommend to clean the mixer before first use
3. Attention : to prevent overheating we recommend not to use the mixer longer
than 1 minute at a time. After one minute you should let the appliance cool
for 10 minutes, before using it again.
4. When mixing use the included measuring cup or a high mixing bowl to
prevent splashes
5. Slight up and downward movement will provide the best result when using
the mixer, but make sure that the mixing accessoires are never more than 2/3
immersed in any food or liquid and also that the mixing bowl is only filled
for 2/3 to prevent splashing.
6. You can determine the mixing speed with the speed control button on top of
the unit. Press the on/off button to operate the unit.
Assembly of accessories
The mixer includes 3 accessories : a mixing leg, a beater and a chopper. For using one
of these accessoires you have to place them onto the hand unit en turn the accessories
to the left until it clicks. For removing the accessories turn it right.
Use of the chopper
Remove the lid from the chopper. Check if the blade is correctly placed on the central
pin in the chopper. Be very careful when handling the blade it is very sharp. When the
blade is correctly placed, fill the chopper with the food you like to chop. Place the lid
on the chopper. Place the hand unit on top of the lid and turn till it clicks. Press the
on/off switch to chop the food.
The hand unit of the mixer can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth, if necessary with a
mild detergent. Dry thoroughly after cleaning.
The accessories can be cleaned in warm water with a mild detergent, don’t hold the
accessories under running water.
Don’t use any metal sponge or abrasive cleaner to clean your appliance.

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