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be started automatically at your preset time.
Preset time can be viewed by depressing the Clock button.
Once the Automatic start function has been activated:
* Press the Instant/Start pad if you intend to operate the oven immediately;
* Press the Pause/Cancel pad if you intend to cancel this function.
9. Child lock function
All the buttons are de-activated in this mode Use this feature to lock the control panel when you
are cleaning or so that children can not use the oven unsupervised.
To set child lock:
Touch and hold Pause/cancel about 3 seconds or until the LED appears OFF.
To cancel child lock:
To unlock, touch and hold Pause/cancel for about 3 seconds or until LED appear the current
A beep sound will be heard.
10. Auto reminder
When your preset cooking procedure have finished, the LED Display will show END and six
beep sound will be heard to prompt you to take out food. If you do not press Pause/cancel button
once or open the door the beep will be sounded at an interval of 3 minutes.
Operation notes:
1. Never operate the oven empty.
2. If you turn the food during operation, press the Instant/start button once and the preset cooking
procedure will continue.
3. If you intend to remove the food before the preset time, you must press Pause/Cancel button
twice to clear the preset procedure to avoid unintended operation of next time use.
Clean the oven at regular intervals
Disconnect the power supply cord before cleaning.
The outside may be cleaned with mild soap and warm water, wipe clean with a damp cloth. Avoid the use
of harsh abrasive cleaners.
Wipe the door and window on both sides, the door seals and adjacent parts frequently with a damp cloth
to remove any spills or spatters. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Control panel:
Care should be taken in cleaning the control panel. Wipe the panel with a cloth dampened slightly with
water only.
Do not scrub or use any sort of chemical cleaners. Avoid the use of excess water.
Interior walls:
To clean the interior surfaces, wipe with a soft cloth and warm water for hygienic reasons. After use wipe
the waveguide cover in the oven with a soft damp cloth to remove any food splashed. Build up splashes may
overheat and begin to smoke or catch fire. Do not remove the waveguide cover. Do not use a commercial
oven cleaner, abrasive or harsh cleaners and scouring pads on any part of your microwave oven. Never spray

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