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NOTE: When you place the sweeper to recharge and the chargingindicator light does NOT illuminate,
then press the On/Off button once to turn the sweeper off. The charging indicator light should
now light up.
NOTE: Peak performance may only be realized after the unit has been charged and discharged two
(2) or three (3) times.
IMPORTANT: To maintain peak performance of your cordless sweeper, it is recommended that the
unit be fully discharged, then completely recharged at least once a month.
CAUTION: Use only with the battery pack supplied with the unit.
Do not attempt to remove the battery pack from the unit to charge it.
Never attempt to throw the battery pack or unit into a fire or incinerate it.
Do not attempt to remove or damage the battery casing.
Battery must be recycled or disposed of properly at the end of it’s service life.
Your cordless sweeper may be stored by using the slot on the back of the upper handle and hanging
it from a screw secured to a wall or other vertical surface. Always empty your sweeper before hanging
up for storage.
WARNING: Use caution when changing the rotating brush and gear box so that the unit does
not turn ON when pressing down on the sweeper power head.
1. Remove battery from unit.
2. Remove the extension tube handle from the sweeper power head.
3. Remove the transparent brush cover.
4. Push in on the locking tab of the gear box and lift gear box to remove.
5. Lift the brush bar end cap up from the slot. (Fig. 13)
6. Pull the brush bar out from the bushing and slip off the belt to remove the brush bar. (Fig. 14)
7. Insert the new brush bar by first inserting the brush bar into the bushing on the end opposite the
driver belt. (Fig. 14)
8. Slip the belt over the brush bar cap.
9. Insert the brush bar into the slot. (Fig. 13)
10. Insert the gear box tabs into the tab slots and push down until it clicks into place.
11. To replace the squeegee, follow instructions above for removing the gear box and slide the squeegee
out from left to right. (Fig. 15)
DO-200SW Handleiding.indd 31 08-11-2005 10:01:35

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