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When the lawn mower power on, the indicator light will
turn on. (Fig. 18)
Start the motor as follows. (Fig. 19)
a) Press the safety push-button (1).
b) And meanwhile, pull the the switch handle (2), and
keep it in grasp.
Push the lawn mower manually when the motor is
If you release the switch handle, the motor will stop.
CAUTION: The blade starts turning as soon as
the motor is started.
WARNING: Cutting elements continue to rotate
after the motor is switched off.
The blade is made of pressed steel. It will be necessary to
reshape it frequently (with a grind wheel).
Ensure that it is always balanced (an unbalanced blade
will cause dangerous vibrations). To check for balance,
insert a round rod through the central hole and support
the blade horizontally. (Fig. 20) A balance blade will
remain horizontal. If the blade is not balanced the heavy
end will rotate downwards. Reshape the heavy end until
the blade is currently balanced. (Fig. 21) To remo ve th e
blade (2), unscrew the blade screw (3). (Fig. 22, Fig. 23,
Fig. 24)
Check the conditions of the fan (1), and replace any parts,
which are damaged. (Fig. 22)
When reassembling, make sure that the cutting edges
face in the direction of the motor rotation. The blade screw
(3) must be tightened to torque 20-25 Nm.
WARNING: For service, replace the blade with:
DOLMAR 263001422 (for EM-330) and DOLMAR
263001414 (for EM-370) only.
You should only use extension cords for outdoor use,
ordinary duty with a cross sectional area not less than
1.0 mm
Before using, check the supply and extension cords for
signs of damage during use, disconnect the cord for signs
of damage or aging. If the cord becomes damaged during
use, disconnect the cord from the supply immediately. DO
THE SUPPLY. Do not use the appliance if the cord is
damaged or worn. Keep extension cord away from cutting
WARNING: Always ensure that the ventilation
openings are kept clear of debris.
WARNING: Before performing any maintenance
or cleaning work, always pull out the mains plug!
Do not spray the unit with water. Ingress of water may
destroy the switch-plug combination unit and the electric
motor. Clean the unit with a cloth, hand brush, etc.
Expert inspection is required, do not make any
adjustment by yourself, must contact Dolmar
authorized service centre:
a) if the lawn mower strikes an object.
b) if the motor stops suddenly.
c) if the blade is bent (do not align!).
d) if the motor shaft is bent (do not align!).
e) if a short-circuit occurs when the cable is connected.
f) if the gears are damaged.
g) if the V-belt is defective.
WARNING: Before performing any maintenance
or cleaning work, always pull out the mains plug and wait
until the cutter has come to a standstill.
CAUTION: Faults which cannot be rectified with
the aid of this table may be rectified by Dolmar authorized
service centre only.
Fault Remedial action
Motor does not
Check mains connection cable.
Start on short grass or on an area which
has already been mown.
Clean discharge channel/housing-the
mowing blade must rotate freely.
Correct the cutting height.
Motor power
Correct the cutting height.
Clean discharge channel/housing.
Have mowing blade resharpened/
replacedauthorized service centre.
Grass catcher
is not filled
Correct the cutting height.
Allow the lawn to dry.
Have mowing blade resharpened/
replacedauthorized service centre.
Clean the grille on the grass catcher.
Clean the discharge channel/housing.
Wheel drive
does not
Adjust the flexible cable.
Check the V-belt/gearsauthorized
service centre.
Check the drive wheels for damage.

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