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Insert the axle of front and rear wheel cover into the wheel
and then screw into the hole of wheel support. (Fig. 2)
WARNING: All wheels must be at the same
A) Insert the lower handlebars into the fixed holes of the
underpan, and then fixed with supplied screw by a
screwdriver. (Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5)
B) Connect the upper handle and the lower handle with
the locking lever. (Fig. 6, Fig. 7)
C) Position the cable over the handle shaft. Clamp it
around the middle of lower handle by the cable clamp
and make sure the cable is fixed on the outside of the
handle. Otherwise the cable may be pinched by
opening/closing the rear cover. (Fig. 8)
1. To fit: Raise the rear cover and hitch the grass catcher
on rear of mower. (Fig. 9, Fig. 10, Fig. 11)
2. To remove: Grasp and lift the rear cover, remove
grass catcher.
There is a level indicator on the top of the grass catcher
that shows whether the catcher is empty or full (Fig. 12A,
Fig. 12B):
- The level indicator inflates if the catcher is not full during
the moving. (Fig. 12B)
- If the catcher is full, the indicator collapses. Once this
happens, stop moving immediately and empty the
catcher, make sure it is clean and ensure its meshwork
is ventilated. (Fig. 12A)
If the position of indicator opening is very dirty, the
indicator will not inflate. In this case, clean the position of
indicator opening immediately.
The cutting height is adjusted by attaching the wheels to
the required hole.
All wheels must be at the same height.
The height (the blade to the ground) can be adjusted from
20 mm to 55 mm (3 height positions). (Fig. 13)
The lowest adjustment: 20 mm (position (1)); the middle
adjustment: 40 mm (position (2)); the highest adjustment:
55 mm (position (3)).
WARNING: Disconnect the electric cord from the
power supply.
WARNING: Make this adjustment only when the
blade is stopped.
a) Always operate with the deflector or grass catcher in
the correct position.
b) Always stop the motor before removing the grass
catcher or adjusting the height of cutting position.
c) Before mowing, remove all foreign objects from the
lawn which may be thrown by the machine. While
mowing, stay alert for any foreign objects which may
have been missed. (Fig. 14)
d) Never lift the rear of the mower while starting the
motor or during normal operation. (Fig. 15)
e) Never place your hands or feel underneath the
underpan or into the rear discharge chute while the
motor is running. (Fig. 16)
Before connecting up the lawn mower to the electric
power supply, make sure that the mains supply voltage is
230 V ~ 50 Hz.
Before start the lawn mower, fix the extension cord into
the cable hook. (Fig. 17)
Model: EM-330 EM-370
Rated voltage: 230 V~ 230 V~
Rated frequency: 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rated power: 1,100 W 1,300 W
No load speed: 2,900/min 2,900/min
Cutting width: 330 mm 370 mm
Guaranteed sound power level: 96 dB (A) 96 dB (A)
(SPL) at the site of the user: 75.4 dB (A), K=3 dB (A) 77.6 dB (A), K=3 dB (A)
Guaranteed vibration: 0.672 m/s
, K=1.5 m/s
0.917 m/s
, K=1.5 m/s
Grass catcher capacity: 27 L 35 L
Net weight: 13.1 kg 14.9 kg
Degree of protection against liquid: IPX4 IPX4
Height adjustment : 20/40/55 mm, 3 adjustment 20/40/55 mm, 3 adjustment

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