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6. Maintenance
Dik Geurts fires are made of steel plate. A lot of attention is given to a sound manufacture and careful finish, as a
result of which your fire requires little maintenance. The following maintenance tips/instructions contribute to a
proper operation of your fire and therefore your comfort of use.
perform maintenance after the fire has been out of operation for at least 24 hours;
do not make any changes to the fire yourself;
as a user you are only allowed to perform the maintenance stated in this chapter, for any other work you will
have to consult an installer who has experience in the field of wood fire heating;
only replace parts by original parts. These are available via your supplier/installer.
Slightly open the fire door when you are not burning. This will prevent condensation and possible corrosion.
6.1 Cleaning
You can clean your fire whenever you want.
Clean the outside of the fire with a soft duster.
do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents when cleaning your fire and/or glass pane, in order to prevent
do not use water when cleaning, as the heat-resistant paint is not water repellent. Water may cause rust spots;
do not put glasses, cups, etc. on the fire. Rings may cause rust spots.
Remove any deposits on the glass pane using the supplied glass pane cleaning agent. For this, observe the user
manual on the packaging (see section 6.6).
The glass pane cleaning agent is available via your supplier/installer.
6.2 Paint
Damages to the paint, resulting from objects that have fallen/been placed against the casing of the fire, are not
covered by the warranty.
Paint is not anti-corrosive; be careful with moisture in and around the fire. The formation of rust or discolouration is
not covered by the warranty.
Small damages to the paint you can repair yourself, using the supplied spray can. It will be available via your
If, nevertheless, a rust spot appears on your fire, you can remedy this as follows:
Carefully sand the rust spot with steel wool.
Then treat this area with the supplied paint. Prior to this, you should check whether the colour indicated on the
spray can corresponds with the fire. In case of doubts, please contact your dealer.
Make sure the direct vicinity of the fire is covered, because of possible excess spraying.
In case of damage to the paint, retouch an entire area and not only the damaged spot. This prevents
discolourations and spots.
6.3 Baffle plates
At the top of the fireplace you will find the so-called flame baffle plates (see Appendix 2, Fig. 9). These plates
increase the temperature in the fire and therefore the efficiency.
The flame baffle plates are easily replaced. In case of some fires, the bottom and side wall lining must be removed
first. For assembly and disassembly, please see the appliance specific section in the installation manual.
in case of collisions, the plate might break. When chimney sweeping, check the baffle plates for crack(s);
when chimney sweeping, remove the baffle plates. Mark them so they can be returned at the same location.
when placing them back, check whether the baffle plates still fit properly in their intended profiles;
in case of excess condensation in the chimney, the flame baffle plate can become saturated with moisture and
therefore easily break. Consult your dealer/installer for a solution, if this problem occurs.

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