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A steadily burning fire stimulates combustion.
Refill the fire before the flames have gone out of the fire. This will be approximately every 30 to 45 minutes.
Close the door and open the air supply slide all the way until the new wood blocks are burning well. See Table 2 for
the recommended quantities of wood.
Using the air supply slide, adjust the draught until a steady flame pattern is achieved.
Always allow the fire to burn empty when you stop burning.
Light coloured (white or colourless) smoke indicates that suitable wood is used and that there is a good
combustion. Grey, blue or even black smoke is created in case of incomplete combustion, e.g. as a result of moist or
excess wood.
4.4 Fire with oven (if applicable)
If your fire is provided with an oven, you can use it to heat or cook dishes.
You can close the oven, using the valve (see Appendix 2, Fig. 6 (K)). You will usually suspend it at the side of the fire,
because air for glass pane aeration is supplied by the oven. Use the oven glove for this.
When used, you must always place aluminium foil in the oven in order to avoid fat from getting on the oven surface
and burning into it. Only use the oven after the fire's paint has hardened (see section 4.1).
4.5 Fire with fan(s)
Appliances that are made with fans will heat a room more quickly and increase comfort. As soon as the fan is
switched on you will be able to feel a pleasant warm air flow.
4.5.1 How the fan(s) work
The fans are operated by means of the switch on the appliance.
We distinguish three positions (see Appendix 2, Fig. 8):
Position I – ON (the fans are running, irrespective of the fire's temperature)
Position O – OFF (the fans are off)
Position II – AUTO (the fans will only run when the fire has reached the required temperature)
If the switch is in position II, the fans will be controlled by means of a temperature switch. The fans will become
operational automatically, as soon as the fire reaches the correct temperature. This depends on your installation
and your heating behaviour and may take an hour in some instances. After the appliance has cooled down, the fans
will switch off automatically.
The speed of the fans is controlled by means of a slider on the adapter. In position 1 the fans will run at the lowest
speed, in position 4 they will run at the highest speed.
4.6 Fire with central heating connection
In the installation/user manual, which is supplied separately with the fire, the operation of the fire with the central
heating connection is explained.

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