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Instruction Manual
This method of tuning will quickly search for and automatically store in order of reception TV stations located in your area.Make
sure that an external aerial is connected and that the TV is switched on with TV mode selected. Use the remote control to make all
the adjustments
1.Press the MENU button.
2.Press the CH- button repeatedly until TUNING is highlighted.
3.Press VOL+ button.
4.Press CH- button repeatedly until AU
TO SEARCH is highlighted.
5.Press the VOL+ button to start the Auto Tuning. The tuning process will take a few minutes to complete and you will see TV stations
briefly as they are located and automatically stored in order of reception. When tuning has completed you will see the first TV station
stored behind the tuning menu. Press the MENU button twice to return the TV to its normal operation showing a TV station store
in P1 memory location. Press the CH+ or CH- button to change the TV channels.
SKIP: Any noisy / unwanted stations can be removed by using the SKI
P function as follows:
1.Select the noisy/unwanted TV channel using the CH+/CH- button
2.Press MENU button
3.Press the CH- button repeatedly until TUNING is highlighted.
6.Press the VOL+ button to change the SKI
P state from OFF to ON.
7.Press the MENU button twice to exit the menu. The Noisy / unwanted TV station will no longer be shown when cycling through
the channels using the P+/P- button. In the same manner described above other channels can be removed.
If you want to swap the channel,you should operate as the following measures:
(1)Press the "swap" button,and it will show a signal "EX ---" on the left corner of LCD panel.
(2)Input the channel number which you want to change to by press the numeric ke
(3)Press the button "VOL+",and the swap has been done.
This method of tuning will allow manual search and storage of TV stations in to your own preferred stored order. Eg. BBC1 in location1
1.Press the MENU button.
2.Press the CH- button to highlight TUNING
3.Press the VOL- button to select.
4.Press the CH+/CH- button and highlight CHANNEL.
5.Press the VOL+/VOL- button and selected the channel number that you wish to store the TV channel into.
6.Press the CH- button repeatedly until MANUA
L SEARCH is highlighted.
7.Press the VOL+ button to enter the tuning menu. Press the VOL+ button until UHF band shows.
8.Press the CH+ button to select tuning direction for U
P the band.
9.Press the VOL+ button to start the manual tuning process. The tuning will stop once a TV station is located. If this an incorrect or
noisy/non station then press the VOL+ button to continue the scan.Note :you may need to use a TV Guide to identify the number the
10.Once the correct TV station has been located press the Menu button twice to return the TV to its normal operation. The TV
station is automatically stored in the previously selected preset memory location.
11.In the same manner described above repeat the instructions to tune in and store other TV stations. Make sure that you change
the channel number that you want to store the next station as detailed in “5” above.
4.Press the VOL+ button to select.
5.Press the CH- button until skip is highlighted
channel you have tuned in.e.g.BBC1,etc..
BBC2 in location2,etc..

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