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Listening Cautions
This product respects the current regulations for limiting the output volume of
consumer audio devices to a safe level. By listening to your device with
headphones or earbuds at high volumes, you run the risk of permanent damage
to your ears. Even if you get used to listening at high volumes and it seems
normal to you, you still risk the possibility of damaging your hearing. Reduce the
volume of your device to a reasonable level to avoid permanent hearing damage.
If you hear ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or shut off your device. This
device has been tested with the supplied earphones. In order to preserve your
hearing, it is advised that you use only the following headphone models: the
earphones supplied with your device, or any other headphones that respect the
current regulations. Other types of headphones may produce higher volume
levels. At full power ,the prolonged listening of the walkman can damage the ear
of the use
Maximum output voltage<=150mv
Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard
and is illegal in many areas.
You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially
hazardous situations created by obstructed hearing.
Even if your headphones or earphones are the open-air type designed to let you
hear outside sounds, don’t turn up the volume so high that you can’t hear what’s
around you.
Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher
volumes of sound. What sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to
your hearing. Guard against this by setting the volume of your device at a safe
level BEFORE your hearing adapts.
To establish a safe volume level:
a. Start your volume control at a low setting.
b. Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly,
and without distortion. Once you have established a comfortable sound
level, leave it there.
This manual may not reflect your actual device’s operation. All information is subject to change
without prior notification. Please follow your actual device’s operational procedures.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Difrnce DIT 8000

Difrnce DIT 8000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Difrnce DIT 8000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Difrnce DIT 8000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 35 pagina's

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