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WS 2000
Desktop Weather Station
1 [ MODE ] button
2 [ MAX/MIN ] button
3 [ /CHANNEL ] button
4 [ /°C/°F ] button
5 [ SNOOZE / LIGHT ] button
6 Battery compartment
7 AC/DC line in jack
This weather station comes with backlight, indoor and outdoor temperature & humidity display and alarm clock
with calendar. It is powered by the supplied AC/DC adapter. Optional it can be powered by batteries.
It is recommended to use the AC/DC adapter at all times.
Getting started using the AC/DC adapter
1. Remove all "AAA“ batteries before plugging in AC/DC adapter if necessary. See instructions below.
2. Plug in AC/DC adapter to the AC/DC input jack (7).
3. Connect AC/DC adapter to the mains. Ensure access to the power adapter plug is not obstructed by fur-
niture or such. For safety reasons, only use the power adapter plug supplied.
Batteries installation (optional)
1. Open battery compartment (6) on the back of the unit.
2. Install / replace with 3x "AAA" size batteries in the compartment. lt is recommended that only alkaline
batteries are used.
3. Replace the battery compartment cover (6) on the back of the unit.
4. A short beep will be heard to confirm proper installation of batteries.
Batteries safety warnings
1. Please read all instructions carefully before use.
2. Install batteries correctly by matching the polarities (+/-).
3. Always replace a complete set of batteries.
4. Never mix used and new batteries.
5. Remove exhausted batteries immediately.
6. Remove batteries when not in use.
7. Do not recharge and do not dispose of batteries in fire as the batteries may explode.
8. Ensure batteries are stored away from metal objects as contact may cause a short circuit.
9. Avoid exposing batteries to temperature or humidity extremes or direct sunlight.
10. Keep all batteries out of reach from children. They are a choking hazard.
11. Please retain packaging for future reference.
Note: Backlight will be permanently on when the weather station is connected with the AC/DC adapter. When
batteries are used, press [ SNOOZE / LIGHT ] button for backlight.
Interpreting the weather forecast symbols
1. The weather station requires at least 24 hours to acclimatise to local weather conditions. The weather sta-
tion will process and analyse the weather patterns of the past 24 hours in order to determine the future
weather. The predicted weather forecast may not accurately reflect the actual weather for your immediate
area until 24 hours have elapsed.
2. The weather station will display the symbols (see above) to indicate the predicted weather forecast for the
next 12 to 24 hours for an area within a radius of approximately 30-50 km.
1. The weather forecasting is approximately 70% accurate. Accuracy rate might be lower in extreme
weather conditions.
The weather forecast is only for reference and only for domestic use. Do NOT rely on the weather
station for a forecast for any serious matter including but not limited to: personal health, any business
or financial decisions, and/or agricultural planning. And certainly NOT for life and death situations.
2. The weather forecast does not display the current weather. It displays future weather situation.
To set time manually
1. When the weather station is displaying the time, hold down the [ Mode ] button (1) for approximately 3 sec-
onds until the display is flashing.
2. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
TIME ZONE setting.
3. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the AM/PM or 12-hour clock setting.
4. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
hour setting.
5. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
minute setting.
6. Press [ MODE ] button (1) again to confirm settings. The display will no longer flash.
To set calender
1. Press [ MODE ] button (1) until the calender is displayed.
2. Hold down the [ Mode ] button (1) for approximately 3 seconds until the display is flashing.
3. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
year setting.
4. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the date/month or month/date setting.
5. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
month setting.
6. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the
date setting.
7. Press [ MODE ] button (1) again to confirm settings. The display will no longer flash.
To set alarm time
1. Press [ MODE ] button (1) until the the alarm is displayed. AL will be shown.
2. Hold down the [ Mode ] button (1) for approximately 3 seconds until the display is flashing.
3. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the hour setting.
4. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again.
5. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the minute setting.
6. Press [ Mode ] button (1) again.
7. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) or [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to change the duration of the snooze time (from
1 minute to 20 minutes).
8. Press [ MODE ] button (1) again to confirm settings.
9. When Alarm time is shown, press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) to turn on and off the alarm. will be
shown when the alarm is on.
10. The alarm will sound for 120 seconds when the preset alarm time is reached. Hit any button on the back of
the clock to deactivate the alarm.
11. Hit the [ SNOOZE / LIGHT ] button (5) when the alarm is on to enter snooze mode. will flash when the
clock is in snooze mode. The alarm will sound again after the preset snooze time has been reached. Hit
any button on the back of the clock to deactivate the alarm.
Remote temperature sensor
This weather station is equipped with outdoor temperature and humidity display. The weather station is capable of
synchronizing with up to 3 external sensors. 1 external sensor is included with this weather station.
Back View Back view - open
1. Hole to hang the sensor
2. Battery compartment screws
3. "RESET" button
4. "Channel 1 2 3" switch
Batteries installation
1. Open battery compartment at the back of the unit by removing the two small screws (2) with a Philips head
2. Install / replace with 2x "AAA" size batteries in the compartment.
It is recommended that only alkaline batteries are used. Do not use rechargeable batteries.
3. The weather station is capable of receiving up to 3 different channels. Select the channel number (1, 2, or
3) by sliding the "Channel 1 2 3" switch (4). If you only have 1 remote temperature sensor, select 1.
4. Press the "RESET" button (3) once and the red light will flash once.
5. Replace the battery compartment cover at the back of the unit by tightening the two screws (2).
1. Place the remote temperature sensor at a desired place by mounting the unit on a screw (screw not includ-
ed) using the hole for hanging (1). Alternatively, the unit can be placed on a flat horizontal surface.
2. The unit can be placed indoor or outdoor. The unit is weatherproof. Do not submerge unit in water. Do not
expose unit to water for prolonged periods. Avoid accumulation of water and or snow on unit. Avoid expos-
ing unit to direct sunlight. Remove unit from the exterior location in extreme or harsh weather conditions,
including but not limited to hurricane, typhoon, and cyclones seasons. Do not place the unit in area of high
3. Do not place the remote temperature sensor more than 30 meters (98 feet) from the receiving weather sta-
tion unit. The remote temperature sensor is more effective if there are no obstructions and interference
between the remote temperature sensor and the weather station. The remote temperature sensor might
have to be closer than 30 meters if the weather station is not able to receive signals. This may be due to
obstructions and / or interference. The user might need to experiment with various locations to get the best
4. If there is a change in power source in the main unit (i.e. from batteries to AC/DC adapter or vice versa),
press "RESET" button (3) on the remote temperature sensors to reconfigure remote temperature sensors.
Configuring weather station unit to receive remote temperature signals
1. Follow the above instructions to set up remote temperature sensor.
2. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) on weather station for 3 seconds.
The symbol will flash. This will reset all temperature memories.
3. The weather station will begin scanning for signals for channel 1.
As soon as signals are received for channel 1, the temperature will be displayed. The weather station
will automatically scan for other channels. It will scan each channel for approximately 3 seconds before
skipping to the next channel.
4. Once all your channels are received by the unit, press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) once to confirm the
5. The weather station will receive a new signal automatically every 30 seconds to update the remote tem-
6. Press [ /CHANNEL ] button (3) on weather station repeatedly to select between channel 1, channel 2
and channel 3.
7. The symbol will be displayed on the weather station unit if any of the remote temperature sensor's
batteries need replacing.
Temperature & humidity memory
1. Press [ MAX/MIN ] button (2) to display maximum recorded temperature, minimum recorded tempera-
ture and current temparature. "max" indicates maximum temperature. "min" indicates minimum tempera-
2. Press [ MAX/MIN ] button (2) again to display current temperature and humidity.
Celsius / Fahrenheit
Press [ /°C/°F ] button (4) to select between displaying the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Do not subject the unit to excessive force, shock, dust, temperature or humidity.
Do not immerse the unit in water.
Do not remove any screws.
Do not dispose this unit in a fire. IT MAY EXPLODE.
Keep unit away from small children. The unit or parts of the unit might be a choking hazard.
1. Indoor temperature range: -0°C - 50°C
2. Relative humidity range: 20% - 95%
3. Calendar range: year 2000 to year 2099
You can help protect the environment! Please remember to respect the local regulations: Hand
in the non-working electrical equipments to an appropriate waste disposal center.
In the event of technical problems, you can contact our hotline service, Tel. 0900 00 1675 within Switzerland
(cost via Swisscom at time of going to print: CHF 2.60/min).
This equipment complies with the European EMV directive. To view the complete Declaration of Con-
formity, please refer to the free download available at our web site: www.dexford.com
www.dexford.com V 1.0 / 27.06.2011

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