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Instruction manual
Motorcaravan - 09-09 - DET-0033-08EN
© 2009 Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG, Isny
Instruction manual
We congratulate you on your new motorhome and would like to thank you for choosing a quality product from
Whether you want to enjoy your holidays on good or bad roads, whether you want to have your "holiday home"
out in the country, at the seaside or in the mountains: Your Dethleffs motorhome will always make sure that
you can enjoy your holidays because the Dethleffs team has been building caravans for more than seventy
years and knows what is important. This experience shows itself in the well thought-out, cosy and yet highly
functional equipment as well as in the outstanding driving characteristics.
Each Dethleffs vehicle is manufactured with great care and the quality is closely checked. This ensures that
our products have a long service life. In view of these strict requirements, we guarantee top quality of our prod-
ucts and grant you a six year leakage guarantee of the body in accordance with our guarantee conditions (see
section 1.2).
This instruction manual deals primarily with the body of your motorhome. It will give you all important informa-
tion and tips so that you can enjoy all technical advantages of your Dethleffs motorhome to the full. We have
also included a chapter on maintenance – and thus on the conservation of value.
In addition, you will find the documents on the base vehicle and the various built-in appliances.
For maintenance work or whenever you need some help, please always get in touch with your authorised spe-
cialist workshop. They know your motorhome best of all, and will meet all your requests fast and reliably.
In the event of chassis-related problems with Dethleff vehicles, authorised workshops of the base vehicle man-
ufacturer are able to provide assistance. If you encounter problems on the Fiat chassis, please call the phone
number 00800 34281111.
We wish you a lot of fun with your motorhome, a relaxing holiday and safe driving at all times.
Your Dethleffs team

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Andere handleiding(en) van Dethleffs 2010 Motorhome

Dethleffs 2010 Motorhome Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 286 pagina's

Dethleffs 2010 Motorhome Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 282 pagina's

Dethleffs 2010 Motorhome Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 300 pagina's

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