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- Rotate the magneto rotor by hand,
taking it through one complete revo-
lution of 360º, and observe whether
the tester shows a very high resis-
tance reading throughout the grea-
ter part of the revolution (open cir-
cuit), and gives a very low reading
(closed circuit / continuity) during a
very short part of the revolution. If
this does not occur, this is a sign of
a fault and the magneto should be
- In the event of a fault, the entire
faulty component as identified
through the procedures indicated
above should be replaced.
- Proceed to re-assemble the unit,
taking special care to check the
condition of the key at the end of
the crankshaft. If it shows any signs
of damage, it should be replaced.
- In order to be able to synchronise
the ignition timing correctly, when
assembling the coil base plate onto
the engine crankcase, take care to
ensure that the reference mark on
the magneto coil base plate is alig-
ned with the centre of the arrow on
the crankcase.
- Re-assemble the magneto coil unit
onto the magneto coil base plate,
using special immobilising tool (part
reference number 00G05300011) to
prevent the part from rotating.
Check that the magnet in the inte-
rior shows no signs of breakage or
of damage: in the event that dama-
ge is found, it should be replaced.
Tighten the securing screws to the
recommended torque setting. The
setting of the ignition timing does
not require any maintenance.
Ensure that the electrical cables in
the unit are correctly routed to avoid
any possible chafing, which could
lead to later damage and failures.

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