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reduced. Therefore, there is a potential risk of injuries and material damage.
Store and charge the device in an open, dry area away from combustible materials.
Do not charge the device in direct sunlight or in the vicinity of open flames.
Do not charge the device immediately after use. Allow the device to cool down for an hour before
charging it.
If the device is left to other people, it must be charged partially (20 - 50%), not fully.
Do not remove the device from its package to fully charge it and then put it back in the package.
The device is generally partially charged as shipped from the factory. Keep the device partially
charged until it is used.
Allow the Electric scooter to cool down for at least 1 hour before it can be put in the package.
Do not leave the device exposed to sunlight in a car.
The Electric scooter must not be used during the charging cycle!
The LED indicator on the battery charger lights red during the charging process.
The LED indicator on the charger will light green when the charging process is complete.
After charging, disconnect the charger from the mains and the Electric scooter.
Connect the DC cable supplied with the Electric scooter only to the DC input!
Do not insert foreign objects into the DC input.
Do not remove the protective cap from the DC input!
Remove the cap only when charging the Electric scooter!
After charging, disconnect the DC plug and close the DC input again with the cap!
Make sure that neither water nor other liquids penetrate into the inner components of the Electric
scooter; otherwise, the electronics/batteries of the device could be permanently damaged. There is a
risk of injury.
Do not open the electric scooter casing, otherwise the warranty is invalidated.
Make sure to wear helmet and protective clothing before using the Electric scooter.
Make sure to read manual carefully before using the Electric scooter.
The Electric scooter is not intended for use on public roads nor in traffic
The Electric scooter must only be used on dry and level ground
For domestic use only

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denver SEL-80125F

Denver SEL-80125F Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Denver SEL-80125F Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Denver SEL-80125F Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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