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Troubleshooting Tips
Before calling for service, you can check the following items on symptoms and solutions.
No picture:
Check other channel, maybe station problem.
Adjust the tuning control.
Ensure that the input setting is at TV state.
Ensure that the LCD is on.
Ensure that the equipment is connected properly.
No sound and distorted sound:
Ensure that the input settings for the TV and sound are proper.
Adjust the tuning control.
Probably local interference, such as an appliance.
Re-orient aerial(if indoor type).
Ensure that the equipment is connected properly.
No remote Control:
Check the battery are installed with the correct polarity.
Point the remote control unit at the remote control sensor and operate.
Remove the obstacles between the remote control and the remote control sensor.
Operate the remote control unit at a distance of not more than 8 meters from the remote control sensor.
NO SIGNAL displayed
Check if the wire is connected correctly.
Ensure the computer or other equipments are at power on mode.
Ensure the TV input setting is at pc mode.
Check if the input setting is compatible to the monitor specification.
Led lamp indicator on but no picture
Check the monitor setting :contrast ,brightness.
Check if the wire is connected correctly.
Some unusual spots on screen:
Some dot defects may appear on the screen, like red, green or blue, Spots, However, this will have no
impact or effect on the monitor performance.
(PC mode)
(PC mode)
Lost password:
On the password screen , enter the following master password: 4886
You may use the master password to set a new password as desired .
Please remember your password and keep it carefully.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denver LDD-2260MC

Denver LDD-2260MC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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