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- Hoverboard is only for personal entertainment. You are not allowed to ride it on public streets.
- Hoverboard is not allowed on the motor vehicle lanes.
- Children, the elderly, pregnant women are not allowed to drive.
- Persons with reduced balancing capacity should not drive the hoverboard.
- Do not drive the hoverboard under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.
- Do not carry items when driving.
- Please be alert to things in front of you, maintaining good vision will help you drive hoverboard safely.
- Relax your legs while driving, knees slightly bent, it can help maintain balance when encountering uneven
- In the process of driving, make sure that your feet are always steeping on the pedals.
- Hoverboard can only carry one person.
- Do not start or stop suddenly.
- Avoid driving on steep slopes.
- Do not drive the hoverboard up against a fixed object (f.inst. a wall or other structure) and continue driving the
- Do not drive in dimly lit or dark places.
- Driving the hoverboard is at your own risk and the company is not responsible for any accidents or
damage you may cause.
- Ensure the vehicle speed is safe to yourself and others, and be ready to stop at any time when operating.
- When you are driving the hoverboard, please keep a certain distance from each other to avoid collisions. --
When steering you should use your body’s center of gravity, the violent shift of center of gravity may
cause you to wreck or fall off the hoverboard.
- Do not drive backwards for long distances, drive backwards at high speeds, turn at high speeds and drive
too fast.
- Do not drive when raining or expose the hoverboard to other wet conditions. Only to be driven in dry
- Avoid driving on obstacles and avoid snow, ice, and slippery surfaces.
- Avoid driving on items made of cloth, small branches and stones.
- Avoid driving in narrow spaces or where there is an obstacle.
- Jumping on or off the hoverboard can and will cause damage that is not covered by warranty. -
Risk of personal injury. Personal damage or abuse related to “trick riding” is not covered by the company and
voids any warranty.
Chapter 6 Charging the hoverboard
This chapter mainly discusses the charging methods, how to maintain the battery, the safety issues you need to
pay attention to, and battery specifications. For safety of yourself and others, and extend the battery’s life and
improve battery performance, please make sure to follow the following operations.
6.1. Low battery
When you find the battery indicator is red and flashing, it indicates low battery. It is recommended that you stop
driving. When the power is low, there is not enough energy for your normal driving, then the system will
automatically tilt the base of the platform to prohibit the operator’s use. It is very easy to fall if you insist on driving
at this time, and negatively affect battery’s life.
Do not use the battery in the following cases.
Giving out some odor or excessive heat.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denver HBO-6750

Denver HBO-6750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Denver HBO-6750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

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