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1 Instructions
Please read the user handbook carefully and then keep it in a safe place for future
consultation and maintenance.
1.1 Important Notice
(1) This product is not a toy, it's a piece of complicated equipment which integrated with
professional knowledge by mechanic, electric, air mechanics, high-frequency
transmitter and so on, so it should be installed correctly and adjusted to avoid any
accidents. The owner must always operate in a safe manner, if improper operation
that caused human injured or property damage, then we DENVER ELECTRONICS
A/S accept no liability for any safety duties from operation. As we have no control over
the way they maintained, used and operated.
(2) This product is not suitable for users under 14 years of age.
(3) The use of the drone may be prohibited in some areas like train stations, airports,
aircrafts, inhabited areas etc. You should check with the authorities whether the use of
the drone is permitted in some public or private areas. Always use the drone bearing
in mind not to breach people's privacy. We exclude liability for any wrong use of the
(4) We DENVER accept no liability for any safety duties or fines arising from operation,
usage or mis-control after the sale of products. Warranty does not cover if drone
crashes and get damaged.
1.2 Safety Precautions
Keep away from crowd when flying, since drone flight is a high risk hobby. Mis-assemblied
or broken main frame or defective electronic equipment or unskilled operation may cause
accidents of machine damaged or injured. Please pay special attention to safety operation.
(1) Keep away from people and obstacles
"The flying speed and status of the drone is uncertain, so it may cause potential danger."
When choosing a flying site should stay clear of buildings, trees and power lines. AVOID
flying in or near crowded areas. Meanwhile avoid flying in rain, storms, thunder and
lightening to protect machinery and parts out of damage.
(2) Keep away from humid environments
Inside of drone is made up of precise electronic components. Stay away from humidity or
water vapor to protect machinery and parts.
(3) Safety operation
Please fly your drone according to your physical status and flight skill. Fatigue, listlessness
and mis-operation will increase possibilities of accidental hazard.
(4) Keep away from rotating blades
Keep your face and body as well as all spectators away from the rotating blades. The
spinning blades of a model of this type can cause serious injury.
(5) We recommend flying the drone below 10 meters of height.
(6) Keep away from heat
A drone is made up of metal, fiber, plastic, electronic components, etc. So keep it away from
heat and sunshine to avoid distortion, and damage.
1.3 Check List Before First Flight
(1) Flying field should be in an open space and we suggest at least 5M length *5M wide
*3M height.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denver DCH-261

Denver DCH-261 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Denver DCH-261 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Denver DCH-261 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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