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Safety information
Please read the safety instructions carefully before using the product for the first time
and keep the instructions for future reference.
1. This product is not a toy. Keep it out of reach of children.
2. Warning: This product includes lithium polymer batteries.
3. Keep product out of the reach of children and pets to avoid chewing and swallowing.
4. Product operating and storage temperature is from 0 degree Celsius to 40 degree
Celsius. Under and over this temperature might affect the function.
5. Never open the product. Touching the inside electrics can cause electric shock. Repairs
or service should only be performed by qualified personnel.
6. Do not expose to heat, water, moisture, direct sunlight!
7. Please remove the earphones in case of any leakage or excessive heat from the product
to avoid burns or rash.
8. Please protect your ears against loud volume. Loud volume can damage your ears and
risk in hearing loss.
9. Bluetooth wireless technology operates within a range of about 10 m (30 feet). The
maximum communication distance may vary depending on the presence of obstacles
(people, metal objects, walls, etc.) or the electromagnetic environment.
10. Microwaves emitting from a Bluetooth device may affect the operation of electronic
medical devices.
11. The unit is not waterproof. If water or foreign objects enter the unit, it may result in fire
or electric shock. If water or a foreign object enters the unit, stop use immediately.
Charge It
• On the right earcup,carefuIIy plug the Type-C cable into Type-C charging port. and
connect the other end of the cable to either a computer USB port or to a USB-compatible
car or wall charger.
• Solid red LED light will appear to indicate when the headphone is charging.
• When charging is complete, the LED light will turn Blue.
• Charging time is approximately 2 hours.
Turn It On/Off
• Press & hold the power button on the right side of the headphone for about 3 seconds
until the LED indicator light turns on.
• Press & hold the power button again for 4 seconds until the LED light turns off.
Pair & Connect With New Device
• Power on the wireless bluetooth headphone(refer to the "Turn It On" section).
• To pair the headphone with a new device,the Red and blue LED light blink to indicate it
isready to be paired with your device.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denver BTH-270

Denver BTH-270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Denver BTH-270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Denver BTH-270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

Denver BTH-270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 4 pagina's

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