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Before use
Part names and
Installing and setting up
supplied software
USB settings
Troubleshooting Index
Signal system chart
If a problem should arise, first check the following:
1. Are the connections correct?
2. Is the set being operated as described in this owner’s manual?
3. Is the external device (player or effects processor) operating correctly?
If this unit does not operate properly, check the items listed in the table below.
If the symptom is not covered on the check list, contact your dealer or service centers.
Service centers are listed at http://www.d-mpro.com or http://www.denondj.com.
Symptom Cause/Solution Page
Power does not turn
•Check the connection of the power plug to the outlet and the
connection of the DC plug to the unit.
There is no sound, or
the sound is too quiet.
•Check the connections for all devices.
•The microphone ducking function is operating. Set the DUCKING
button to off.
3, 4
The sound is distorted.
•Adjust the master output level adjustment knob.
•Adjust the channel input level adjustment knob.
This unit does not
operate properly, or
there is no sound.
•Check the connections for all devices.
•Check that the volume settings for the connected devices and DJ
software on the computer are properly adjusted.
•Match the settings on the unit to those on DJ software.
number are different. Depending on the audio application used,
cannot be played simultaneously.
•When other USB devices are connected to the computer, connect
only the unit to the computer and check if this works.
3, 4
12, 13
Sound cuts out or is
•Exit any other applications.
the playback sound may cut out depending on the computer
The button lights are
•The dimmer is in operation. Check the dimmer settings on the

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