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Getting Started Connections Basic Operations Specifi cations TroubleshootingEffector Function Fader Start UtilityUSB
Owner Setting Mode
When the POWER switch is set to the ON position while the
UTILITY/–USB A/USB B button is held down, the Owner Setting mode
is established, and the settings listed below can be selected.
To release the Owner Setting mode, set the
POWER switch to the
OFF position.
Parameter Value Default
1. Limiter OFF / ON OFF
2. Limiter Threshold 20dB to 10dB 20dB
3. Digital Output FS INT / 44.1kHz / 48kHz / 96kHz 44.1kHz
4. Power ON USB Mode USB A / USB B USB A
5. Preset Import Exit / Execute*
6. DN-X1700 Initalize Exit / Execute*
*1: Using the Preset stored externally, the internal memory is updated,
and the settings are refl ected in the device.
*2: All the Owner settings and Preset are set to the factory settings.
Preset Import
In the Owner Setting mode, insert the USB memory
device with the export  les into the DN-X1700 or
establish the Owner Setting mode with the device
already inserted.
A screen prompting the user to verify whether the
preset memory is to be updated appears.
When OK is selected, the contents of the preset
memory are updated to the contents of the export
* Bear in mind that the data prior to the updating will not be retained.
Preset Recall
Insert the USB memory device with the export  les
into the DN-X1700 or turn on the unit's power with
the device already inserted.
A screen prompting the user to verify whether the
presets are to be called appears.
When OK is selected, the preset Audio Setting and
MIDI Setting of the export  le are called. (The
preset information stored inside the DN-X1700 is not
When the USB memory device is ejected, a screen
prompting the user to verify whether to return to the
status before the presets were called appears. (Cancel
cannot be selected.)
When OK is selected, the presets are restored to the
status before they were called.
* After the presets are called, they are retained while the unit remains
connected to the computer even if the USB B mode is selected.
Preset Export
Connect the USB memory device to the unit and,
using the Utility settings, execute Preset Export.
The Preset statuses are written into the USB memory
* If the export fi le already exists, a screen prompting the user to
verify whether the fi le is to be overwritten appears.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Denon DN-X1700

Denon DN-X1700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Denon DN-X1700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

Denon DN-X1700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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