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Before use
Part names and
USB settings
System diagram
Installing and setting up
supplied software
Installation onto a Windows computer
Insert CD-ROM “TRAKTOR” into your computer.
The browse screen for the disc drive is displayed.
If the browse screen is not displayed, click the disc drive on My
Double-click “Traktor Setup.exe” .
A window opens and the TRAKTOR installation starts.
Select Complete installation or Custom installation to start
installation. If you are unsure about the Custom installation, select
the Complete installation option.
Follow each step in the installation screen for
When the installation completes, close the installation
After the installation, activate the software. For information about
how to activate the software, see Service Center Manual, which
is located in the Documentation folder under the Service Center
folder that is created during the installation.
It is recommended that you use the latest version of the TRAKTOR
For information about how to use the DJ software, see the
instruction manual for the DJ software or the help menu.
The serial number is printed on the back of the CD-ROM case.
TRAKTOR is an NI software. To install and use the software, you
have to accept the software license agreement.
D&M shall not be responsible for any problems with your computer
and other software that may arise from the installation and use of
Installation onto a MAC computer
Insert CD-ROM “TRAKTOR” into your computer.
The TRAKTOR CD icon is displayed on the desktop.
Double-click the TRAKTOR CD icon.
Files contained in the TRAKTOR CD are displayed for browsing.
Double-click “Traktor Installer” .
A window opens and the TRAKTOR installation starts.
Select Complete installation or Custom installation to start
installation. If you are unsure about the Custom installation, select
the Complete installation option.
Follow each step in the installation screen for
When the installation completes, close the installation
After the installation, activate the software. For information about
how to activate the software, see Service Center Manual, which
is located in the Documentation folder under the Service Center
folder that is created during the installation.
It is recommended that you use the latest version of the TRAKTOR
For information about how to use the DJ software, see the
instruction manual for the DJ software or the help menu.
The serial number is printed on the back of the CD-ROM case.
TRAKTOR is an NI software. To install and use the software, you
have to accept the software license agreement.
D&M shall not be responsible for any problems with your computer
and other software that may arise from the installation and use of
Installing TRAKTOR
Use the following steps to install the DJ software “TRAKTOR” in the supplied CD-ROM.

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