Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Before use
Installing and setting up
supplied software
USB settings
System diagram
Part names and
Front panel
For buttons not explained here, see the page indicated in parentheses ( ).
e r r ut y iwq
q Headphone jack (PHONES) ························ (18)
w MIC EQ adjustment knob
(MIC1,2 HI/MID/LOW) ································ (18)
Adjusts the frequency characteristics for the
MIC input signal.
e MIC echo adjustment knob
(ECHO) ························································· (17)
r Cross fader assignment switch
(THRU CH14) ············································· (17)
Sets the channel source to cross fader A or B.
Sets the channel source without passing
through the cross fader.
t Cross fader contour adjustment knob
(X FADER CONTOUR) ································(17)
Adjusts the cross fader curve.
You can also adjust the cross fader curve for
DJ software.
y Restart button (RESTART)
Press this after auto standby operation in the
standby mode to cancel auto standby mode and
restart in normal mode.
u Standby mode display (STANDBY)
Lights up when the unit enters standby mode
with the auto standby operation.
i Standby mode selector switch
Enables the auto standby function.
Disables the auto standby function.
n Auto standby function
With the power ON, if the unit is not operated for
about eight hours, or if no signal is passing to the
current input source for about eight hours, the unit
automatically enters standby mode.
Rear panel
For buttons not explained here, see the page indicated in parentheses ( ).
q ew r t y u i o Q0 Q2 Q4 Q5 Q5 Q6Q6 Q8Q7 Q9Q3Q1
q Theft protection lock hole
w AC adapter cable holder ···························· (11)
This prevents the AC adapter plug from
Use a Phillips screwdriver to anchor the AC
adapter cable to this holder.
e DC IN jack (DC IN) ······································· (11)
r Power switch (POWER) ····························· (17)
t USB terminal (USB) ··································· (11)
y PC/MAC selector switch (PC MAC) ·········· (11)
Switch this according to the OS running on the
computer connected to the unit.
u Mixing mode selector switch
(MIXING MODE) ·········································(18)
i USB audio output source selector switch
(OUTPUT SOURCE) ···································· (18)
o Booth/send output terminal
(BOOTH/SEND OUT BALANCED) ············· (10)
Q0 Master output terminal
(MASTER OUT BALANCED) ······················ (10)
Q1 Master output channel selector switch
(STEREO/MONO) ·······································(10)
Q2 Master output terminal
(MASTER OUT UNBALANCED) ················· (10)
Q3 Record output terminal
(REC OUT) ··················································· (10)
Q4 AUX 1/2 input terminal
(AUX 1/2 IN) ·················································· (9)
Q5 Line 1/2 input terminal
(LINE 1/2) ······················································(9)
Q6 Input selector switch
(LINE/PHONO) ·············································· (9)
Q7 Signal ground terminal
(SIGNAL GND) ·············································· (9)
Q8 Balanced MIC input terminal
(MIC2) ···························································· (9)
Q9 Balanced MIC input terminal
(MIC1) ···························································· (9)

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