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Before use
Part names and
Installing and setting up
supplied software
USB settings
System diagram
Before use
Main features
1. Operability and highly reliable design for professional use
Equipped with 4ch digital mixer that can operate independently
with or without a computer connection for fail safe operation and
Equipped with an input selector for various input sources such as
USB Audio and LINE.
Each input channel includes a 3-band isolator EQ.
2. USB MIDI controller
Equipped with a physical controller function that controls DJ
Design layout optimized for operations with Virtual DJ and
Easy operations for video effect and cross fade functions in Virtual
Equipped with a deck layer function that can control four decks
Equipped with a high resolution jog wheel with 2,048 pulses
supporting the touch sensor function.
Equipped with large CUE/PLAY buttons that can be pressed easily.
Equipped with the SYNC button that can immediately synchronize
beats for two decks, when used with software.
Equipped with the FX select function that can control two different
FX separately, when used with software.
High grade steel cabinet and self-illuminating rubber buttons.
3. USB AUDIO interface
High sound quality design that supports sampling frequency of 48
Supports 2in-2out for stereo audio.
Supports transfer of mixed audio to computers.
Supplied with ASIO drivers for low latency.
4. MIC echo function
Equipped with an echo function dedicated for MIC input.
Echo volume can be adjusted with MIC echo adjustment knob.
5. Various input/output terminals
The unit has the following input/output terminals.
AUX x2
MIC input x2
Master x1
Booth/send x1 (dual-purpose)
REC output x1
USB audio x2 (stereo input x2/stereo output x2)
6. Others
Equipped with a ducking function that attenuates background
sounds during MIC operation.
Equipped with a auto standby function (eco mode)
Supplied with DJ software
Cautions on handling
Before turning the power switch on
Check once again that all connections are correct and that there are
no problems with the connection cables.
Power is supplied to some of the circuitry even when the unit is
set to the standby mode. When going on vacation or leaving home
for long periods of time, be sure to unplug the power cord from the
power outlet.
About condensation
If there is a major difference in temperature between the inside of
the unit and the surroundings, condensation (dew) may form on
the operating parts inside the unit, causing the unit not to operate
If this happens, let the unit sit for an hour or two with the power
turned off and wait until there is little difference in temperature
before using the unit.
Cautions on using mobile phones
Using a mobile phone near this unit may result in noise. If that
occurs, move the mobile phone away from this unit when it is in use.
Moving the unit
Turn off the power and unplug the power cord from the power
outlet. Next, disconnect the connection cables to other system units
before moving the unit.
About care
Wipe the cabinet and control panel clean with a soft cloth.
Follow the instructions when using a chemical cleaner.
Benzene, paint thinner or other organic solvents as well as
insecticide may cause material changes and discoloration if brought
into contact with the unit, and should therefore not be used.
n Attaching 19 inch rack mount brackets
DN-MC6000 can be installed in an EIA standard 19 inch rack by
attaching the supplied rack mount brackets.
q Remove the side panel fixing screws on DN-MC6000 to take off
the side panels.
w Attach rack mount brackets to the DN-MC6000 by using the
side panel fixing screws or the supplied screws.
q Take off side panels
w Attach rack mount
Do not use other screws. Doing so may cause damage to the threads.
n Mounting in a rack
Set up the installation environment carefully. For example, take
care to protect the DN-MC6000 from heat caused by other devices.

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